05 Aug | Herstorical.Reflections

Edith Dean Painter (05 Aug 1821 – 20 Jul 1899 | New Garden OH – Pasadena CA) Quaker, farmer, abolitionist, Underground Railroad conductor.

Clara Dorothy Bewick Colby (05 Aug 1846 – 07 Sep 1916 | Cheltenham UK – Palo Alto CA) writer, editor, teacher, suffragist, public speaker, equal rights activist, public library founder, newspaper founder / publisher.

Mary Ellen Richmond (05 Aug 1861 – 12 Sept 1928 | Belleville IL – New York NY) social work pioneer, Unitarian, first Social Caseworker, aka Mother of Professional Social Work, [with Jane Addams] founded professional social case work.

Mary Ritter Beard (05 Aug 1876 – 14 Aug 1958 | Indianapolis IN – Phoenix AZ) author, archivist, historian, memoirist, suffragist, woman’s historian, women’s rights activist.

Ruth Wheeler (05 Aug 1877 – 29 Sep 1948 | Plains PA – Poughkeepsie NY) author, chemist, nutritionist, professor, developed first college curriculum for study of dietetics and nutrition.