06 Jul | Herstorical.Reflections

Louisa Caroline Huggins Tuthill (06 Jul 1799 – 01 Jun 1879 | New Haven CT – Princeton NJ) juvenile fiction writer, girls’ / women’s domestic guidebook author.

Sophia Willard Dana Ripley (06 Jul 1803 – 04 Feb 1861 | Cambridge MA – Manhattan NY) Transcendentalist, Roman Catholic convert, co-founded Utopian community Brook Farm Association for Industry and Education in West Roxbury MA.

Elizabeth Sager Helm (06 Jul 1837 – 19 Jul 1925 | Union County OH – Portland OR) survivor, memoirist, Oregon Trail Pioneer, orphaned twice: biological parents on The Trail (1844) and adoptive parents on The Trail in Whitman Massacre (1847).

Maria Howard Weeden (06 Jul 1846 – 12 Apr 1905 | Huntsville AL – Huntsville AL) poet, artist, author.

Julia Hunt Catlin Park DePew Taufflieb (06 Jul 1864 – 17 Dec 1947 | Bennington VT – Cannes FR) socialite, philanthropist, WWI activist, first US woman awarded French Croix de Guerre and Legion d’Honneur.