07 Jul | Herstorical.Reflections

Jane Elizabeth Dexter Conklin (07 Jul 1831 – 19 Dec 1914 | Utica NY – Utica NY) poet, elocutionist, religious writer, president of the Woman’s Relief Corps of Grand Army of the Republic.

Miriam Coles Harris (07 Jul 1834 – 23 Jan 1925 | Dosoris NY – Pau FR) novelist, children’s story writer, devotional book author.

Lillien Jane Martin (07 Jul 1851 – 26 Mar 1923 | Olean NY – San Francisco CA) author, psychologist, children’s advocate, anti-ageism / -sexism activist.

Nettie Maria Stevens (07 Jul 1861 – 04 May 1912 | Cavendish VT – Baltimore MD) author, biologist, geneticist, researcher, co-discovered XY-sex-determination-chromosome.

Charlotte Anita Whitney (07 Jul 1867 – 04 Feb 1955 | San Francisco CA – San Francisco CA) suffragist, political activist, women’s rights activist, early Communist Party USA organizer.