08 Aug | Herstorical.Reflections

Esther Hobart Morris (08 Aug 1814 – 03 Apr 1902 | Tioga NY – Cheyenne WY) milliner, aka Mrs. Slack, women’s rights activist, first female US Judge / Justice of the Peace in Wyoming.

Julia Ann Wilbur (08 Aug 1815 – 06 Jun 1895 | Milan NY – Washington DC) nurse, Quaker, suffragist, abolitionist, Civil War diarist, member / secretary Rochester Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Society.

Mary Blair Moody (08 Aug 1837 – 18 Aug 1919 | Castle Creek NY – New Haven CT) author, physician, women’s rights activist, one of first female physicians in New Haven CT.

Cora Bussey Hillis (08 Aug 1858 – 12 Aug 1924 | Bloomfield IA – St Cloud MN) educator, clubwoman, child welfare advocate.

Ruth VanSickle Ford (08 Aug 1897 – 18 Apr 1989 | Aurora IL – Aurora IL) artist, art instructor, social realist painter, co-founded Chicago Women’s Salon, owned Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, first IL female member of American Watercolor Society [1954], first female member of Palette and Chisel Academy of Fine Art [1960].