20 Aug | Herstorical.Reflections

Maria Louise Pool (20 Aug 1841 – 18 May 1898 | Rockland MA – Rockland MA) author, social novelist, magazine writer.

Margaret Clay Ferguson (20 Aug 1863 – 28 Aug 1951 | Orleans NY – San Diego CA) author, botanist, first woman president Botanical Society of America.

Ellen Crosby Roosevelt (20 Aug 20 1868 – 26 Sep 1954 | Rosedale NY – Hyde Park NY) American tennis player, first cousin to FDR, posthumously inducted into International Tennis Hall of Fame [1975].

Caroline Risque Janis (20 Aug 1883 – 09 Apr 1952 | St Louis MO – St Louis MO) painter, sculptor, member of The Potters’ Wheel group of artists and writers.

Rose Hum Lee (20 Aug 1904 – 24 Mar 1964 | Butte MT – Phoenix AZ) author, sociologist, researcher, short story writer, first female Chinese-American sociology department head.