20 Sep | Herstorical.Reflections

Lidian Jackson Emerson (20 Sep 1802 – 13 Nov 1892 | Plymouth MA – Concord MA) intellectual, literary figure / hostess, abolitionist, animal welfare activist, women’s / Native American rights advocate.

Elizabeth [Libby] Smith Miller (20 Sep 1822 – 22 May 1911 | Peterboro NY – Geneva NY) author, suffragist, biographer, women’s dress code reformer, women’s movement financial supporter.

Kate Harrington (20 Sep 1831 – 29 Sep 1917 | Allegheny City PA – Fort Madison IA) poet, teacher, children’s author, primer and speller writer, born Rebecca Harrington Smith, aka Rebecca Smith Pollard, pioneered / produced first sequential reading program of intensive synthetic phonics for children used in American public schools [till 1937].

Alice Rollit Coe (20 Sep 1858 – 08 Dec 1940 | Rawdon QC – Seattle WA) poet, author, immigrant, pen name: May B. Knott.

Edith Guerrier (20 Sep 1870 – 1958 | New Bedford MA – Boston MA) author, librarian, progressive library program activist, founded Paul Revere Pottery and Saturday Night Girls groups in Boston’s North End.

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