11 Jun | Herstorical.Reflections

Anne Newport Royall (11 Jun 1769 – 01 Oct 1854 | Baltimore MD – Washington DC) writer, publisher, reformer, journalist, possibly first professional female journalist in America.

Caroline Le Gresley LeSueur (11 Jun 1814 – 01 Oct 1898 | Jersey, Channel Islands – St Johns AZ) Mormon, farmer, pioneer, settler, co-founder of St. Johns, Arizona.

Lucy Petway Holcombe Pickens (11 Jun 1832 – 08 Aug 1899 | La Grange TN – Edgefield SC) author, socialite, flag seamstress, Confederate icon, aka Queen of the Confederacy.

Mary Leslie (11 Jun 1842 – 01 Mar 1920 | UK – Toronto ON) artist, art teacher, columnist for McLure Syndicate, conducted Leslie’s College for Women, pen names: J.T.J., James Thomas Jones.

Olivia America Davidson Washington (11 Jun 1854 – 09 May 1889 | Mercer WV – Boston MA) teacher, Tuskegee Institute co-founder.