15 Jul | Herstorical.Reflections

Almira Hart Lincoln Phelps (15 Jul 1793 – 15 Jul 1884 | Berlin CT – Baltimore MD) author, educator, botanist, naturalist, textbook publisher.

Almira Olmstead Ambler (15 Jul 1807 – 26 Jun 1891 | Wilton CT – Danbury CT) folk figure, Civil War Union nurse, social activist / commentator.

Olive Risley Seward (15 Jul 1844 – 27 Nov 1908 | Fredonia NY – Washington DC) memoirist, travel writer, founded Literary Society of Washington.

Lorraine J. Pitkin (15 Jul 1845 – 1922 | Waddington NY – Chicago IL) women’s activist, political postmaster, community activist, Order of the Eastern Star leader, compiled / published sheet music, co-organized Masonic Orphans Homes, member / president Woman’s Relief Corps.

Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini (15 Jul 1850 – 22 Dec 1917 | Sant’Angelo IT – Chicago IL) educator, missionary, memoirist, Catholic saint, Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart founder / director.

13 Jul | Herstorical.Reflections

Esther Allen Howland (13 Jul 1801 – 14 Apr 1860 | Plymouth MA – Worcester MA) cookbook writer, editor / author of recipes, medical remedies, money-saving tips and advice.

Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield (13 Jul 1819 – 31 Mar 1876 | Natchez MS – Philadelphia PA) African-American singer, music teacher, abolitionist, aka The Black Swan, fundraiser for black orphans and the aged.

Mary Emily Foy (13 Jul 1862 – 21 Feb 1962 | Los Angeles CA – Los Angeles CA) librarian, educator, women’s rights activist, first female Head Librarian at Los Angeles Public Library [at age 18].

Mary Emma Woolley (13 Jul 1863 – 05 Sep 1947 | South Norwalk CT – Westport NY) author, educator, suffragist, peace activist, first female student at Brown University, 11th President of Mount Holyoke College.

June Etta Downey (13 Jul 1875 – 11 Oct 1932 | Laramie WY – Trenton NJ) poet, author, columnist, philosopher, psychologist, handwriting / personality researcher.

12 Jul | Herstorical.Reflections

Sara Tappan Lawrence Doolittle Robinson (12 Jul 1827 – 15 Nov 1911 | Belchertown MA – Lawrence KS) author, Kansas historian, First Lady of Kansas, first donor for Santa Fe Trail Marker, founded research table for women in Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole MA.

Lucy Fitch Perkins (12 Jul 1865 – 18 Mar 1937 | Maples IN – Pasadena CA) children’s book author / illustrator, know for her prolific Twins series.

Cora Ethel Eaton Howarth Crane (12 Jul 1868 – 05 Sep 1910 | Boston MA – Jacksonville FL) writer, journalist, bordello / nightclub owner, common-law wife to author Stephen Crane.

Annie Carroll Moore (12 Jul 1871 – 20 Jan 1961 | Limerick ME – New York NY) author, mentor, educator, librarian, book critic, children’s library activist / advocate, aka the Grande Dame of Children’s [Library] Services.

Hettie Gray Baker (12 Jul 1880 – 14 Nov 1957 | Hartford CT – Porter Corner NY) author, librarian, film editor, title writer, screenwriter, movie executive, censor representative for Twentieth Century Fox.

08 Jul | Herstorical.Reflections

Maria White Lowell (08 Jul 1821 – 27 Oct 1853 | Watertown MA – Cambridge MA) poet, reformer, translator, abolitionist, temperance activist, women’s rights advocate, letter correspondent, literary family member, married to poet James Russell Lowell.

Martha [Mittie] Stewart Bulloch Roosevelt (08 Jul 1835 – 14 Feb 1884 | Hartford CT – New York NY) political family member, mother of US President Theodore Roosevelt.

Mary Johnson Bailey Lincoln (08 Jul 1844 – 02 Dec 1921 | South Attleboro MA – Boston MA) cooking teacher, cookbook author, domestic science pioneer, aka Mrs. D. A. Lincoln.

Ella Reeve Bloor (08 Jul 1862 – 10 Aug 1951 | Staten Island NY – Richlandtown PA) social reformer, political activist, children’s book writer, autobiographical author, aka Mother Bloor.

Wilma Lucille Van Slyck (08 Jul 1898 – 28 Jun 1982 | Cincinnati OH – West Covina CA) American landscape artist.

06 Jul | Herstorical.Reflections

Louisa Caroline Huggins Tuthill (06 Jul 1799 – 01 Jun 1879 | New Haven CT – Princeton NJ) juvenile fiction writer, girls’ / women’s domestic guidebook author.

Sophia Willard Dana Ripley (06 Jul 1803 – 04 Feb 1861 | Cambridge MA – Manhattan NY) Transcendentalist, Roman Catholic convert, co-founded Utopian community Brook Farm Association for Industry and Education in West Roxbury MA.

Elizabeth Sager Helm (06 Jul 1837 – 19 Jul 1925 | Union County OH – Portland OR) survivor, memoirist, Oregon Trail Pioneer, orphaned twice: biological parents on The Trail (1844) and adoptive parents on The Trail in Whitman Massacre (1847).

Maria Howard Weeden (06 Jul 1846 – 12 Apr 1905 | Huntsville AL – Huntsville AL) poet, artist, author.

Julia Hunt Catlin Park DePew Taufflieb (06 Jul 1864 – 17 Dec 1947 | Bennington VT – Cannes FR) socialite, philanthropist, WWI activist, first US woman awarded French Croix de Guerre and Legion d’Honneur.

03 Jul | Herstorical.Reflections

Maria Martin Bachman (03 Jul 1796 – 18 Dec 1863 | Charleston SC – Columbia SC) artist, naturalist, Audubon illustrator.

Maria Amparo Maytorena Ruiz de Burton (03 Jul 1832 – 12 Aug 1895 | Loreto or La Paz CA – Chicago IL) author, novelist, playwright, feminist activist, political instigator, letter correspondent, first female Mexican-American author to publish in English.

Sarah Pratt [Sally] McLean Greene (03 Jul 1856 – 29 Dec 1935 | Simsbury CT – Lexington MA) poet, novelist.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman (03 Jul 1860 – 17 Aug 1935 | Hartford CT – Pasadena CA) poet, novelist, lecturer, utopian feminist, social reformer, non-fiction writer, magazine editor, commercial artist.

Caroline Furness Jayne (03 Jul 1873 – 23 Jun 1909 | Philadelphia PA – Wallingford PA) author, ethnologist, research focus on string figures.

26 Jun | Herstorical.Reflections

Sarah Pierce (26 Jun 1767 – 19 Jan 1852 | Litchfield CT – Litchfield CT) educator, girls’ school founder, women’s education advocate.

Loreta Janeta Velazquez (26 Jun 1842 – 26 Jan 1923 | Havana CU – Washington DC) memoirist, Confederate Civil War spy / soldier, aka Lieutenant Harry Buford, died as Loreta J. Beard at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital for the Insane.

Mary Abby Van Kleeck (26 Jun 1883 – 08 Jun 1972 | Glenham NY – Kingston NY) author, feminist, social activist, planned economy advocate.

Alice Leslie [Mopsie] Walker Kosmopoulos (26 Jun 1885 – 25 Jun 1954 | San Francisco CA – Santa Barbara CA) author, multi-linguist, archaeologist, leading expert of Neolithic Period in Southern Greece.

Elizabeth Denny Pierce Blegen (26 Jun 1888 – 21 Sep 1966 | Allegheny PA – Athens GR) author, classicist, educator, archaeologist, art history professor, assistant curator at Vassar’s Art Gallery.

22 Jun | Herstorical.Reflections

Emily Austin Perry (22 Jun 1795 – 15 Aug 1851 | Austinville VA – Jones Creek TX) pioneer, heiress, font innovator, religious / educational philanthropist.

Caroline Wells Healey Dall (22 Jun 1822 – 17 Dec 1912 | Boston MA – Washington DC) author, feminist, reformer, club woman, Transcendentalist.

Kate Mason Rowland (22 Jun 1840 – 28 Jun 1916 | Detroit MI – Richmond VA) editor, author, historian, biographer, genealogist, historic preservationist, charter member of United Daughters of the Confederacy.

Harriett Mulford Stone Lothrop (22 Jun 1844 – 02 Aug 1924 | New Haven CT – San Francisco CA) aka Margaret Sidney, publisher, literary hostess, children’s fiction author, historical preservationist, Children of the American Revolution founder / facilitator.

Caroline Love Goodwin O’Day (22 Jun 1869 – 04 Jan 1943 | Perry GA – Rye NY) artist, politician, school board president, third woman / first NY Democratic Congresswoman, New York State Board of Social Welfare Commissioner.

16 Jun | Herstorical.Reflections

Mary Katherine Goddard (16 Jun 1738 – 12 Aug 1816 | Groton CT – Baltimore MD) editor, printer, publisher, Baltimore MD Post Office postmistress, first newspaper publisher in Providence RI, first to print US Declaration of Independence with names of signatories.

Jane [Jenny] Marsh Parker (16 Jun 1836 – 13 Mar 1913 | Milan NY – Rochester NY) fiction / nonfiction author.

Belle Brezing (16 Jun 1859 – 11 Aug 1940 | Lexington KY – Lexington KY) madam, folk figure, aka The American Magdalene, basis for Belle Watling in Gone with the Wind [Brezing’s last name had one ‘e’ — except on her headstone, where it was mispelled Breezing].

Sarah Margaret Armour Robertson (16 Jun 1891 – 06 Dec 1948 | Montreal QC – Montreal QC) painter, member of Beaver Hall Hill Group / Canadian Group of Painters.

Jennie Grossinger (16 Jun 1892 – 20 Nov 1972 | Baligrod AH- Liberty NY) hotelier, restaurateur, cookbook author.

14 Jun | Herstorical.Reflections

Harriet Elisabeth Beecher Stowe (14 Jun 1811 – 01 Jul 1896 | Litchfield CT – Hartford CT) poet, author, abolitionist, social reformer.

Elizabeth Priscilla Cooper Tyler (14 Jun 1816 – 29 Dec 1889 | New York NY – Montgomery AL) political family member, White House hostess / de facto First Lady for father-in-law US President John Tyler.

Cornelia Peake McDonald (14 Jun 1822 – 11 Jan 1909 | Alexandria VA – Louisville KY) author, Confederate Civil War diarist, aka One of the Devil Diarists of Winchester.

Sigourney Trask (14 Jun 1849 – 20 Mar 1936 | Spring Creek PA – Barcroft VA) physician, Methodist Episcopal Church missionary, first female missionary doctor at Foochow, China.

Ruth Imogen Stout (14 Jun 1884 – 22 Aug 1980 | Topeka KS – Redding CT) memoirist, nonfiction author, no-work gardening expert / innovator.