16 Sep | Herstorical.Reflections

Mary Wiseman See (16 Sep 1854 – 31 Jul 1939 | Ontario CA – Ontario CA) candymaker, businesswoman.

Miriam Elizabeth Benjamin (16 Sep 1861 – 1947 | Charleston SC – Boston MA) teacher, inventor, patented Gong and Signal Chair for hotels, second black woman to receive US Patent [note: found no images of the inventor herself; image used is one of an unidentified 19th c. black woman].

Eva Lawrence Watson-Schütze (16 Sep 1867 – 01 May 1935 | Jersey City NJ – Chicago IL) painter, photographer, Photo-Secession movement co-founder.

Clara Edith Work Ayres (16 Sep 1880 – 17 May 1917 | Venice Township OH – onboard USS Mongolia, Atlantic Ocean) nurse, WWI US Red Cross nurse, grocery store owner / manager, one of first two US military women killed in WWI [Helen Burnett Wood the other].

Daisy Ann Peterkin (16 Sep 1884 – 12 Aug 1952 | St. Louis MO – Miami Beach FL) vaudeville toe-dancer, Ziegfield Follies dance member, aka Mademoiselle Dazie.

18 Aug | Herstorical.Reflections

Phoebe Yates Levy Pember (18 Aug 1823 – 04 Mar 1913 | Charleston SC – Pittsburgh PA) memoirist, medical pioneer, Civil War nurse, Confederate hospital administrator.

Hannah E. Barker Taylor (18 Aug 1835 – unknown | Fredericton NB – Pasadena CA) poet, singer, hymnist, English-Native American-Canadian, Woman’s Christian Temperance Union member.

Selma Kronold (18 Aug 1861 – 09 Oct 1920 | Krakow PL – New York NY) pianist, operatic soprano, music advocate, founded Catholic Oratorio Society of New York.

Jemima [Mina] MacKenzie (18 Aug 1872 – 27 Jan 1957 | Waterside NS – Pictou NS) humanitarian, medical missionary to India, founded Broadwell Christian Hospital and orphanage for children in India, adopted 44 children [21 reached adulthood].

Katherine Emilie Bashford (18 Aug 1885 – 03 Jun 1953 | Prescott AZ – Los Angeles CA) author, public and private gardens landscape architect, co-founder / first female president of southern California chapter of American Society of Landscape Architects [ASLA].

15 Aug | Herstorical.Reflections

Anna L. Clapp (15 Aug 1814 – 03 Dec 1889 | Cambridge NY – Lee Center IL) Civil War nurse, Ladies Union Aid Society founder, Western Sanitary Commission president, female veteran nurse benefits / pensions activist / spokeswoman.

Ann Pamela Cunningham (15 Aug 1816 – 01 May 1875 | Rosemont Plantation SC – Rosemont Plantation SC) historical preservationist, founded The Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association of the Union.

Biddy Mason (15 Aug 1818 – 16 Jan 1891 | Hancock GA – Los Angeles CA) social activist, humanitarian, philanthropist, businesswoman, nurse / midwife, freed African-American slave, founded travelers center / black elementary school / first A.M.E. Church in California.

Virginia Clemm Poe (15 Aug 1822 – 30 Jan 1847 | Baltimore MD – Fordham NY) literary folk figure, wife / first cousin of Edgar Allan Poe.

Mary Cunningham Logan (15 Aug 1838 – 22 Feb 1922 | Petersburg MO – Washington DC ) writer, editor, memoirist.

09 Jul | Herstorical.Reflections

Fanny Fern (09 Jul 1811 – 10 Oct 1872 | Portland ME – Manhattan NY) novelist, humorist, born Sara Payson Willis, children’s book author, pioneering female newspaper columnist for The New York Ledger.

Clara Louise Kellogg (09 Jul 1842 – 13 May 1916 | Sumterville SC – New Hartford CT) memoirist, operatic prima donna, opera company founder / director.

Dorothy Thompsom Kopf (09 Jul 1893 – 30 Jan 1961 | Lancaster NY – Lisbon PT) author, journalist, radio broadcaster, aka First Lady of American Journalism, during her life: Second Most Influential Woman in America.

Eunice Allen Lyons Sanborn (09 Jul 1895 – 31 Jan 2011 | Lake Charles LA – Cherokee TX) community activist, co-founded / funded Love’s Lookout Park in Cherokee County TX, supercentenarian [114 years, 195 days], oldest person in United States at time of her death.

Editta Rinaldo Sherman (09 Jul 1912 – 01 Nov 2013 | Philadelphia PA – New York NY) photographer, aka The Duchess of Carnegie Hall.

03 Jul | Herstorical.Reflections

Maria Martin Bachman (03 Jul 1796 – 18 Dec 1863 | Charleston SC – Columbia SC) artist, naturalist, Audubon illustrator.

Maria Amparo Maytorena Ruiz de Burton (03 Jul 1832 – 12 Aug 1895 | Loreto or La Paz CA – Chicago IL) author, novelist, playwright, feminist activist, political instigator, letter correspondent, first female Mexican-American author to publish in English.

Sarah Pratt [Sally] McLean Greene (03 Jul 1856 – 29 Dec 1935 | Simsbury CT – Lexington MA) poet, novelist.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman (03 Jul 1860 – 17 Aug 1935 | Hartford CT – Pasadena CA) poet, novelist, lecturer, utopian feminist, social reformer, non-fiction writer, magazine editor, commercial artist.

Caroline Furness Jayne (03 Jul 1873 – 23 Jun 1909 | Philadelphia PA – Wallingford PA) author, ethnologist, research focus on string figures.

29 May | Herstorical.Reflections

Elizabeth Waties Allston Pringle (29 May 1845 – 05 Dec 1921 | Pawley’s Island SC – Charleston SC) author, diarist, publisher, rice farmer, slave holder, aka Patience Pennington.

Susan Elizabeth Frazier (29 May 1864 – 03 Feb 1924 | New York NY – New York NY) activist, African-American, public school educator, women’s issues / civil rights thought leader, president WWI Women’s Auxiliary of Old Fifteenth National Guard black troop.

Elizabeth Cutter Morrow (29 May 1873 – 24 Jan 1955 | Cleveland OH – Englewood NJ) poet, children’s book writer, first female Head of Smith College, grandmother of kidnapped baby Charles Lindbergh Jr.

Leila Mechlin (29 May 1874 – 04 May 1949 | Washington DC – Washington DC) author, art critic, manager, editor of The American Magazine of Art.

Helen Woodard Atwater (29 May 1876 – 26 Jun 1947 | Somerville MA – Washington DC) editor, author, home economics specialist, full-time editor of the Journal of Home Economics, aka The First Lady of American Nutrition.

07 May | Herstorical.Reflections

Juliet Ann Opie Hopkins (07 May 1818 – 09 Mar 1890 | Jefferson County WV – Washington DC) US Civil War Confederate nurse, aka Florence Nightingale of the South.

Harriet Starr Cannon (07 May 1823 – 29 Mar 1896 | Charleston SC – Peekskill NY) religious, school founder, children’s advocate, spiritual leader / organizer, founded Episcopalian Sisterhood of St Mary.

Euphemia Vale Blake (07 May 1824 – 21 Oct 1904 | Hastings UK – Brooklyn NY) critic, author, editor, journalist, British-born American.

Varina Banks Howell Davis (07 May 1826 – 16 Oct 1906 | Natchez MS – New York NY) writer, memoirist, columnist, Confederate States First Lady, post-war reconciliation activist.

Margaret Elizabeth [Lizzie] Crozier French (07 May 1851 – 14 May 1926 | Knoxville TN – Washington DC) educator, suffragist, social reform activist.

23 Apr | Herstorical.Reflections

Penina Moise (23 Apr 1797 – 13 Sep 1880 | Charleston SC – Charleston SC) poet, hymnist.

Susan Louise Cotton Marsh (23 Apr 1867 – 21 Sep 1946 | Troy IN – St Louis MO) author, activist, biographer, children’s advocate, Poet Laureate of Missouri, children’s guardianship legislative proponent.

Tillie Anderson (23 Apr 1875 – 29 Apr 1965 | Skåne SE – Detroit Lakes MN) Swedish-American, cyclist, seamstress, undisputed ladies’ cycling champion of the world, women’s cycling activist, advocate for bicycle paths in Chicago City Parks.

Mary Ellicott Arnold (23 Apr 1876 – 23 May 1968 | New Brighton NY – Delaware County PA) writer, teacher, Quaker, memoirist, Native American Indian rights activist, member Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom [WILPF].

Miriam Dorothy [Isidora] Newman (23 Apr 1878 – 1955 | New Orleans LA – New Orleans LA) poet, artist, writer, playwright, storyteller, philanthropist.

19 Apr | Herstorical.Reflections

Sarah Kemble Knight (19 Apr 1666 – 25 Sep 1727 | Boston MA – New London CT) diarist, teacher, innkeeper, shopkeeper, traveled from Boston to New York on horseback / kept ongoing journey of the journey.

Sarah George Bagley Duro (19 Apr 1806 – 23 Jun 1883 | Candia NH – Brooklyn NY) labor leader / organizer, newspaper editor / publisher, women’s rights activist / advocate, co-founded Lowell Female Labor Reform Association (LFLRA).

Calista H. Vinton (19 Apr 1807 – 18 Dec 1864 | Willington CT – Rangoon, BUR [now Myanmar]) Baptist missionary, teacher, preacher, mission school administrator.

Mary Louise Booth (19 Apr 1831 – 05 Mar 1889 | Yaphank NY – New York NY) writer, author, historian, magazine editor, French / English translator.

Ella Broadus Robertson (19 Apr 1872 – 05 Dec 1945 | Greenville SC – Louisville KY) nonfiction author.

31 Mar | Herstorical.Reflections

Mary Boykin Miller Chesnut (31 Mar 1823 – 22 Nov 1886 | Stateburg SC – Camden SC) diarist, novelist, political family member.

Mary Abigail Dodge (31 Mar 1833 – 17 Aug 1896 | Hamilton MA – Hamilton MA) critic, editor, author, essayist, education advocate, aka Gail Hamilton.

Martha Bailey Briggs (31 Mar 1838 – 28 Mar 1889 | New Bedford MA – Washington DC) educator, school principal, black educational activist, professor of education at Howard University, taught slaves who escaped through Underground Railroad, first African-American female high school graduate in New Bedford MA.

Anna Eva Fay Pingree (31 Mar 1851 – 20 May 1927 | Southington OH – Melrose MA) born Ann Eliza Heathman, spiritual medium / stage mentalist.

Susan [Susie] Norris Fitkin (31 Mar 1870 – 18 Oct 1951 | Ely QC – Oakland CA) author, minister, memoirist, evangelist, founder / president of Women’s Foreign Missionary Society [now Nazarene Missions International], co-funded / co-founded numerous churches / hospitals / children’s care facilities.