03 Mar | Herstorical.Reflections

Una Hawthorne (03 Mar 1844 – 10 Sep 1877 | Concord MA – London UK) artistic / literary family member, daughter of artist Sophia Hawthorne / author Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Isabel Weld Perkins Anderson (03 Mar 1876 – 03 Nov 1948 | Boston MA – Washington DC) poet, editor, heiress, travel writer, philanthropist, children’s author, WWI ARC nurse, aka Mrs Larz Anderson.

Margaret Chase Going Woodhouse (03 Mar 1890 – 12 Dec 1984 | Victoria BC – Sprague CT) educator, politician, economics professor, aka Chase Woodhouse, founder / director Institute of Women’s Professional Relations.

Grace Lumpkin (03 Mar 1891 – 03 Mar 1980 | Milledgeville GA – Columbia SC) feminist, public speaker, proletarian novelist, US Communist, later in life anti-Communist Christian convert.

Beatrice Wood (03 Mar 1893 – 12 Mar 1998 | San Francisco CA – Ojai CA) artist, potter, aka The Mama of Dada.