1759 | Morton

Sarah Wentworth Apthorp Morton (17 Aug 1759 – 14 May 1846 | Boston MA – Quincy MA) poet, socialite, artist’s model, pen name: Philenia.

I stood among them, though not of them – shrouded in my own thoughts, which were

not their thoughts. Wiles of Deceit may compare to traps over quicksand, in which

contrivers are often first fatally caught. Excessive Vanity sometimes impels itself to

self-complacency, putting on the borrowed garb of good nature, as if solicitous of

popular applause. There exists in every thinking mind, certain conscious Knowledge

of itself, which may constitute either its punishment or its consolation. There may be

industrious minds in Busy Bodies, whose sole occupation is that of transmitting evil

reports from individual to individual. Most in faith & affinity to the Busy Body is

the Plain Speaker, being of coarse feelings, rude utterance & boastful integirty. And

how words are lavished & wasted on the arbitrary & inevitable power of Conscience!

Morton, Sarah Wentworth. My Mind, Its Thoughts, in Sketches, Fragments, and Essays. Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1823. https://archive.org/details/myminditsthought00mort/page/n6/mode/1up