1824 | Whitney

Adeline Dutton Train Whitney (15 Sep 1824 – 21 Mar 1906 | Boston MA – Milton MA) poet, children’s author, Christian Scientist, pen name: A. D. T. Whitney.

Athwart the globe there lay two giants chained: separate they lay, and looked on

separate skies. Floating leaves dropt from their stems, lay in a dreamy rest. In the

warm wood, or on the breezy hill, lay other scenes, like her own birthplace nestled

there. As the new age dawned, white pinions slow unfurled and the fair barge lay,

laden deep with treasure. Wild and fruitless the adventurer’s dream, paths invisible

across thee lay. Athwart the dusk – hope lightening on despair – the slant beam

toucheth a gray isle, that, all the dim night through, lay glooming there. Then, over

wild unmeasured extents of great, forest-bearded continents, rose human homes.

Not yet has wild ambition fired the breast, or proved the world’s unrest. Walk still

the wild waves, with wild flashes blending and gleaming. Yes, choose thine own path!

Whitney, A. D. T. Footsteps on the Seas: A Poem.  Boston: Crosby, Nichols, and Company, 1857. https://archive.org/details/footstepsonseasp00whit/page/5/mode/1up