1751 | Murray

Judith Sargent Murray (05 May 1751 – 09 Jun 1820 | Gloucester MA – Natchez MS) poet, essayist, feminist, playwright, letter writer, pioneering women’s rights advocate.

That minds are not alike, full well I know, truth each day’s experience will show. 

Historic pages with many proofs abound, and fame’s loud trump the Sex’s worth 

resounds. Nor are the modern Fair a step behind in the transcendent energies of

the mind. Self-estimation, kept within due bounds, may yield embow’ring shade.

Now, my full soul disdains these dark’ning glooms, which suddenly pervade. True

dignity an equal part sustains, lending its calmand persevering aid. Turn how we 

may, avoid it as we will, innate conviction must attend us still. How I love to trace 

independent minds – their beamy paths & radiant ways to find. When to heights 

of hopeless sorrow wrought, fainting spirits feel pangs of thought, never painted 

in hues of speech, mocking expression’s reach. Deeds of worth: register’d on high.

Selected Writings of Judith Sargent Murray. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995. https://archive.org/details/selectedwritings00murr