04 Feb | Herstorical.Reflections

Mary Phinney von Olnhausen (04 Feb 1818 – 12 Apr 1902 | Lexington MA – Boston MA) author, diarist, abolitionist, head nurse at Mansion House Hospital in Alexandria VA during American Civil War, field hospital nurse during Franco-Prussian War, awarded Iron Cross by Kaiser Wilhelm I [1873].

Lila Hardaway Meade Valentine (04 Feb 1869 – 14 Jul 1921 | Richmond VA – Richmond VA) suffragist, social activist, educational reformer, public health advocate, co-founded Richmond Education Association, founder-president of Equal Suffrage League of Virginia.

Sarah Norcliffe Cleghorn (04 Feb 1876 – 04 Apr 1959 | Norfolk VA – Philadelphia PA) poet, radical activist, anti-child labor, autobiographical author, Christian Socialist, member American Naturalist movement.

Harriet Joephine Terry (04 Feb 1885 – 15 Aug 1967 | Cornwall-on-Hudson NY – Washington DC) university professor, founding member African-American women’s Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.

Elizabeth Nye Sorrell (04 Feb 1909 – 15 Jul 2007 | Laredo TX – San Antonio TX) teacher, journalist, social activist, political critic, society columnist.