05 Mar | Herstorical.Reflections

Silvia Dubois (05 Mar 1788 – 27 May 1888 | Sourland Mountain NJ – Sourland Mountain NJ) domestic, fieldworker, freed slave, tavern owner, ferrywoman, oral historian, subject of Silvia Dubois: A Biografy of the Slav who Whipt Her Mistres and Gand Her Fredom by C. W. Larison.

Anna Cora Ogden Mowatt Ritchie (05 Mar 1819 – 21 Jul 1870 | Bordeaux FR – Twickenham UK) American author, actress, playwright, public reader.

Lucy Larcom (05 Mar 1824 – 17 Apr 1893 | Beverly MA – Boston MA) poet, Rushlight Literary Magazine founder.

Constance Fenimore Woolson (05 Mar 1840 – 24 Jan 1894 | Claremont NH – Venice IT) poet, novelist, travel writer, short story writer.

Harriet Newell Noyes (05 Mar 1844 – 16 Jan 1924 | Guilford Township OH – Seville OH) author, educator, Presbyterian missionary, founded the True Light Middle School / first women’s school in Canton Province in China.