

early scar on pad of left thumb — no memory how — just there

Diamond Street

ran into passenger door of moving car leaving friend’s after vacation

banged back of head open on radiator after babysitter pulled up my foot

dived and flipped headfirst into cement wall at Walpole swimming pool

bruised pubic bone after twirling baton bounced back at odd angle

Killeen Road

cut open left knee falling down front steps coming home from vacation

scraped outside left ankle skidding downhill on bike in summer sand

fractured upper right arm ice skating on frozen sidewalk in February


deep rope burns to both hands after swing broke while swinging high

Rowayton Avenue 

cut open soles of feet by sharp razor shells in mud on Five Mile River

hit in head by flying thermos in VW bug on way to gay bar with RRB

deep cut to outside left hand from glass trying to open side window

Washington DC

rear-ended by truck in VW van while visiting friends with JP

Putney, Vermont

bruised left shin bone first time trying to cross-country ski

bruised all over when catapulted out of BS bed one night

At University

fell down four carpeted stairs / twisted ankle at Goddard College

bruised ankle while closing windblown door at Vermont College


cut left forefinger in Clapham Road bedsit in London with friend PV

New York City

auto accident on Merritt Parkway in winter with JP driving too fast


rear-ended in delivery van while delivering food to Simi Valley staff


large, deep bruise on lower left leg riding mules in Sierra Madres