1828 | Gay

Mary Ann Harris Gay (18 Mar 1828 – 06 Nov 1918 | Jones County GA – Decatur GA) poet, author, diarist, memoirist, US Confederate heroine.

Memory’s broken chain – beloved in memory still. Memory, too, was often at work, with

its magic power. When this lorn heart is closed to pain, thou’lt be my sweetest memory.

Never more shall we hear sweet sounds but their memory lives and will vibrate through

these souls forever. And so we might go on to cull from our single memory alone, those

examples upon examples of those who have taken hold with their hands and were living

in royal palaces. There is a little grave to memory dear in a vale embosom’d, a river near,

a cherub mould’ring there. O! may their tomb be thine own heart; may their memory be

cherished as ye take these flowers from me. One of the heart’s dearest treasures is how

memory derives pleasure from communing with images stored away in its garners, or

grasps at sunbeams reflected upon its walls, or while earthly sounds still vibrate souls.

Gay, Mary Ann Harris. The Pastor’s Story, and Other Pieces of Prose and Poetry. Baltimore: Turnbull Brothers, 1873. https://archive.org/details/pastorsstoryoth00gaym/mode/1up?q=memory