1823 | Greenwood

Sarah Jane Clarke Lippincott (23 Sep 1823 – 20 Apr 1904 | Pompey NY – New Rochelle NY) poet, editor, novelist, essayist, journalist, correspondent, pseudonym Grace Greenwood.

Some poet dreams come to the soul in mystic beauty clad. My dreams are all like voices

from home. In her high dreams, her feet touch the earth. One shade of grief, regret, or fear

disturbs the sweet dreams of one night. I knew thee not as a creature of my dreams. There

long a priestess may she serve; there offer up her winged dreams. Though faint the flush

that sometimes comes, her glowing dreams do speak. My spirit — through its heaven of

dreams — went floating forth in light, though my dreams were not celestial all. One night

there sounded through my dreams a trumpet’s stirring peal. My dead are with me in my

dreams, rose from their still, lone home – speak peace unto my troubled dreams. O God,

smile on me in my dreams! My childhood passed in lofty dreams for the tournament of

life. My nature seems to wake from shadowy realms of doubts – and dreams eternally.

Greenwood, Grace. Poems. Boston: Ticknor, Reed, and Fields, 1851. https://archive.org/details/poemsgrace00greerich/page/n8/mode/1up