ME | Seven


. . . . .

legends and lyrics

sonnets under pine and palm

simple renascence

. . . . .

the harp weaver weaves

a few figs from dun thistles

disguised dialogues

. . . . .

this second April

fading fatal interviews

ten bucks in the snow

. . . . .

flowers of evil

conversations at midnight

dark wine from these grapes

. . . . .

huntsman, what quarry?

make brighter all your arrows

thine is the harvest

. . . . .

there are no islands

any more, love is not all

written in passion

. . . . .

back against the wall

evergreens and hermit thrush

beggars at the gate

. . . . .

Poet: Susan Powers Bourne
Sources: Women.Poets.Maine
Process: Pick and mix cento haiku