A House Sentence
Borrow ONE RV;
find TWO acres of lovely, isolated land where you can build
and live happily ever after — alone;
add THREE tons of ark, hut, bus, van, inn, fly, spa, pub, kit,
tub, den, pad, pit, gym, cab, vet, aul;
fill FOUR trunks of tree, boat, barn, casa, tent, yurt, cave,
crib, dorm, sack, cage, squat, camp;
craft FIVE parts cabin, condo, truck, barge, kohte, ferry,
hogan, villa, tupiq, folly, minka, foyer;
mix a SIX-pack of church, chalet, palace, colony, piazza,
pantry, pandal, castle, closet, mosque;
raise SEVEN stories of dustbin, nunnery, caravan, lean-to,
bivouac, trailer, cottage, hayloft, shelter;
reclaim EIGHT elements of windmill, basilica, outhouse,
fortress, lifeboat, workshop, woodshed;
include NINE fragments of satellite, watermill, cathedral,
monastery, houseboat, courtyard;
exclude TEN tins of water tower, mobile home, ocean liner,
bus station, power plant, pied-à-terre;
inter ELEVEN sections of sleeping bag, chicken coop, storm
cellar, nursing home, condominium;
track TWELVE truckloads of cardboard box, train station,
cabin cruiser, semi-detached, hole-in-the-wall;
finish with THIRTEEN fading flourishes of establishment,
accommodation, boarding house, cohousing unit;
then, with as much conviction as you can muster – locate
places to pour in a FINAL formfitting foundation.
. . . . .
Poet: Susan Powers Bourne
Source: Impromptu | Noah Eli Gordon
Process: Pick and mix synonyms