Excavating Memory: An Introduction

Imp 10 Excavating Memory

Excavating Memory: An Introduction

Memory works in the nation states
–a few unremarkable past victories.

Maple sugaring, forced labor, race
memories, black women’s stories –

lost Irish Magdalen laundry days.
Unreviewed identities, visual arts,

abundant recurring painful pasts —
prescience, concentration camps.

Borderland hatred still sits in places —
— folk knowledge, persistent practices.

Forensics excavate all the harbored
histories, narratives — reinventions.

Colonial powers march on mountains.
Military texts — they remember, right?

Imaginal amnesia’s predatory powers —
women penitents demand reparations.

No imprisonment without visible scars.
Now, pioneer mothers refine millennium.

Materialism redacts maternal memory
— re-edits their clandestine crossings.

Our future passes into digital archives.
Old memorization? No longer required.

. . . . .

Poet: Susan Powers Bourne
Source: FPR Impromptu 10 | Kristina Maria Darling — text,
Excavating Memory: Sites of Remembering and Forgetting

Process: Pick-mix excavation