You don’t need a weatherman to know the Bell Witch,
the Canterbury puzzles, or other curious blue planets.
Einstein’s works seem to be lost in translation — along
with the queens of Buddha, Beowulf, and Baba Nanak.
Still self-evident: three thousand years of magnets,
covert rule groupings, the national security of states.
Resurrection day – non-spatiality of consciousness —
pretty much incomprehensible like firebrand physics.
Thoughts on the Church seasons — taken historically
and poetically – all coarse-grained and self-dissimilar.
So Sidney has a complex soul – dual and congruent,
examined and vindicated, as is the seedbedded blog
on the relevance of the Bayesian approach. Our left
temporal Alpha-band activity reflects active-passive
processes, possible bubbles of space-time curvatures.
From mere formulas that work experiences together,
the world is either algorithmic or mostly academic,
full of cultural conflicts in values helping students.
Improve narrow-marrow thinking with constraints
on defining audience negativity. This is a real plea
for breaking our languages to improve role-taking.
Listen: what’s really going on with poetry writing?
Optional is the language? Books as world centers?
Struggles with daily life? Enduring coming of age
in families teaching fractions? To test the design —
use the think aloud method: interpret with caution.
. . . . .
Poet: Susan Powers Bourne
Source: search results “incomprehensible”
Process: Pick and mix it up