Long Live Longlines

Longline techniques use long lines baited —
at intervals — by branch lines, labelled snoods,

or gangions: shorter lengths of line attached
to the main longline — clipped with vowels —

or swivels of syllables — and hooked at each end.
Longlines are defined by where they are placed —

in counted columns — at the surface, or the bottom.
Longlines may be tied to anchors — or left untethered,

to drift. Hundreds or thousands of baited words can hang
from a single line — which oddly target other species.

Pelagic longlines hang near or above the wet working surface.
Demerals plumb the depths — move along the ocean floors.

Some longlines include awkward, untrapped intentions
–knotted nets full of dangling or untangled phrases.

Depending on the weather, longlines may also harvest
incidental catchments of (pro)found reflection.

They can expose expanses of salty awareness that may arise,
help us reassess interior maps — or oceanic boundaries.

No more need to toil or roil about — without longlines of connection.
Navigate safely now — amidst the mists of undiscovered meaning.

. . . . .

Susan Powers Bourne | Tiferet Twenty-Seven
Altered found poem from “Longline Fishing”