OH | Plain Truth

Time Says

now fall, winter: spring is here
golden tales: dusty chimney corners
out west: middle prairie states

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Safety Nets

transplanting  us

body parts perpendicular
true, false, none of the above
local news from someplace else

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Beyond Reason

Tokyo butter: resmelted red bones
rainbow remnants: withered seams

small congregations: enslaved moths

rock bottom sky: stone pyramids
latest chances for Tarzan’s holler

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Wiving: Last Words

for the bodies: partial truth
home places lost: living poems
rumors out west: resisting arrest

fields of praise: refasten the light
magnificats: dogwood’s rosy crosses
old Cachoeira tales: mama’s promises

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Poet: Susan Powers Bourne
Source: Women.Poets.Ohio
Process: Augmented centos