VT | A Baker’s Dozen

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A Fable

a wolf on the knoll
the maid with a merry heart
and the poor fountain

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Beyond Turmoil

between flesh and blood
the essential difference:
guardian angels

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some say the devil
is just a woman cleaning
for three centuries

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Dream Burdens

thirty-line ballad
about Abenaki’s raid
great awakenings

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late afternoon songs
then afterglow of sunset
last poem beyond

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lean forward to share
intimate conversations —
fidelity talks

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G’s Circlet

Vermont typesetter —
poet, teacher, proofreader:
remember this grace

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Home Keeper

preserves history —
Newberry and New Orleans
Oxbow, Beauregard

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In Meadows

by the hemlock wall
all the best harvests begin
bearing earth’s colors

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Just Us

portraits and protests —
lovingkindness may mend
every seamless robe

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ordinary works —
love in the next galaxy
or second-hand coats

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Look Again

to the steep future
the simplest topography
resting in the dark

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A fable, beyond turmoil:
cleansed dream burdens.

Expiation, facelifts, G’s circlet
–housekeepers in meadows.

Just us, keening:
look, look again!

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Found haiku by Susan Powers Bourne
Sources: Women.Poets | Vermont