You Don’t Know Me

You don’t know me, I’m not just one of your written words
You don’t know me, so don’t say I can’t join with other verbs

And don’t tell me what to do; and don’t tell me what to say;
and then, when I make new words, just let them be that way

Oh — you don’t know me, don’t change my tenses in any way
You don’t know me, so don’t just dis me ‘cause I don’t rhyme

And, don’t tell me what to read — and don’t tell me what to write
I’ll use any pre-found word, write it as I will: that’s all I ask of you

Yes, we are free now – consonants, vowels, and us – all free now
— pick and mix — redact or replicate — remove and rearrange

So let letters move themselves – stretch alone – or fall apart —
We don’t know them: they’re not just dumb li’l words unsung

And, we don’t all know them: words spoken — or unbespoke
No — you don’t know me: I’m not just one little word — at’all

. . . . .

Poet: Susan Powers Bourne
Sources: Impromptu | Sarah Blake
and You Don’t Own Me | Lesley Gore
Process: Finding replicating movement