Just Desserts

After all his battles, maybe he’s a man
of honor simply receiving just desserts.

All unleavened cakes and cookies —
our just desserts on a joyous holiday.

Even with a thundering opening today,
this season of justice may just desert us.

For some reason, it seems infinitely more
joyous to tuck into dessert in a pretty jar.

It is half a joyous romp and half a swipe
— just the mixture to appeal to cynics.

She knew her joyous, deep-dimpled face
could turn her into a picture of promise.

Simplifying meals to reduce food costs
has been a joyous, timely experiment.

We all deserve hell’s bells if we get our
just desserts, for salvation may delay.

Yes, the justice of unjust desserts often
escapes both the just — and the unjust.

Yet, we must embrace our just desserts
with the finest of unflagging energies.

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