Mourning US

I am mourning the loss of our civility.
I am mourning the loss of common sense.
I am mourning the loss of unguarded smiles.
I am mourning the loss of mutual understanding.
I am mourning the loss of intergenerational contact.
I am mourning the loss of all that we may ever hold dear.
I am mourning the loss of all children and all life everywhere.
Let’s do whatever we can to stop and reverse these perversities.
Let’s cherish and celebrate all children and all life everywhere.
Let’s cherish and celebrate all that we may ever hold dear.
Let’s cherish and celebrate intergenerational contact.
Let’s cherish and celebrate mutual understanding.
Let’s cherish and celebrate unguarded smiles.
Let’s cherish and celebrate common sense.
Let’s cherish and celebrate our civility.

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Susan Powers Bourne