01 nov | All Saints Day

Autistics speak with those challenged
by acromegaly hormone imbalance.

Authors pick up their brushes and create
calzones for their pet cats and dogs.

Cyrenia and Juliana of Tarsus are both
stripped, shaved, and pulled by ropes.

Deborah the Prophetess orders deep
fried clams, direct messages her crush.

Fountain pens run extra miles for epilepsy
awareness and family caregiver literacy.

Give up your shoulds and jealousies, but
first don your hockey masks and jerseys.

Love your lawyer if you can, says Mary
as she slaves in the house of Tertullus.

Meigan becomes the sole medical science liaison
with Nichole at the convent at Almenêches Abbey.

Our Lady of Heede prepares to serve pâté near
the prime meridian passing through Greenwich.

Red and white vinegars merge and march for
equal representation in the pickling industry.

Sports fans’ surprise world communities when
they give up eating rabbits and become vegan.

Truth will topple and tear asunder all unreality.

. . . . .

Celebrate.Nonsense |
Susan Powers Bourne