Assyrians celebrate their new year by
listening to poets recite creation stories.
Abbess Æbbe and her sister nuns greet
their untimely deaths at Coldingham.
Agape, Chionia, and Irene: ancient sisters
who, of course, became Christian martyrs.
Atlantic day shelters meet only the most
basic needs of lost women and children.
American mothers reminisce about old
gendered pink & blue safety diaper pins.
Another quiet contemplative nun on the
run takes refuge in Italy’s mountains.
Alcohol screening in the Andes results
in the most boring Peruvian data yet.
Angolan youth still experience war &
conflict amid their own rising hopes.
Amateur radio announcers soon plan
new adult autism awareness series.
Animal crackers jump off the shelves
after they get to know their customers.
Atheists are also scheduled to re-make
pizza pies after they break the pinatas.
Amaretto and garlic-fried rice balls will
be served before Good Friday espresso.
Agnes and her casual friends count out
the cost of all their empty wine bottles.
Auctioneers make Vermont cheddar fries
& plan on pineapple-upside-down cakes.
All nonsense seems to create its own mix:
mysterious, synchronous juxtapositions.
. . . . .