05.19 | Lace Aloe

Boys clubs encourage elders
to celebrate their elected officials.

Devils food cakes will be served
toward cultivating connectedness.

Malcolm X still rides his scooter,
hopes to help discover his shooters.

Neighbors rally round their flower
gardens for the frog jumping jubilee.

Philanderers send out nude photos,
after taking new pics at playgrounds.

Stepmothers take over the world’s
baking and breadmaking industries.

This year, youth celebrate rural life
with sunfilled sports demonstrations.

Wesak brings new light to the earth.

. . . . .

Nonsense.Works with
Susan Powers Bourne

24 jul | Rosa Gallica

Amelia Earhart’s cousins
decide to boycott the seas
until the pioneer is found.

Drive-thru self-care units
will now offer up tequila
to all thermal engineers.

Simón Bolívar calls again
for Good Samaritan acts
on the streets of Brazil.

Too many tell the oldest
joke — that we only live
once — not many times.

Tracing papers return.

. . . . .

Nonsense.Works with
Susan Powers Bourne

10.31 Four crows

Four crows try in vain to corral a kestrel, pass east to west at eye level

outside my window,

far above frozen ground — pure white with this year’s first hoar frost.

. . . . .

Susan Powers Bourne