5% of art

Did you know?

Only 5% of the art currently on display in U.S. museums is made by women.

  •  “The men liked to put me down as the best woman painter. I think I’m one of the best painters.”—Georgia O’Keeffe

In the Renaissance and Baroque eras, women could not purchase their own paints. They had to rely on a male relative or instructor.

Though women earn more than 1/2 of the MFAs granted in the US, only 1/3 of gallery representation is women.

  •  “This is so good you wouldn’t know it was done by a woman.”—artist-instructor Hans Hofmann’s “compliment” to Lee Krasner.

– See more at: http://www.nmwa.org/advocate/get-facts#sthash.uryytcOq.dpuf