
Let’s remember there are at least two sides to every story. When my second son was ‘scheduled’ for the MMR, I insisted the shots were given individually, instead of the usual 3-in-1. The woman driver who came to pick us up and take us to the doctor’s office told me her first-born daughter had been institutionalized after her MMR had had a very abject effect on her — and she had been institutionalized for 20 years. We arrived at the doctors office. My son had his 1/3 MMR. That night, W. had high fever with febrile convulsions, and we ended up in the ER. To this day, I feel that if I had not followed my heart and intuition and had not staggered the dosages, W. would not have survived. There’s too much such anecdotal evidence of serious harm and injury due to some vaccinations administered to infants and children. Just because these incidences are not statistically noted, studied, or recorded (gee, I wonder why…) this does NOT make the consequences of vaccinations any the less real or lethal for those mothers, fathers, and children whose lives become irrevocably damaged and changed by the systematic and invasive vaccination schedules imposed in the US on infants, children, and families. It is my fervent hope that each parent and child receives what he or she needs in order to succeed.