ITA: Montalcino | Out of the Woods

Prime Donne

Out of the Woods

Prime Donne took property for the production

and ageing of women –

a unique situation and star flagship program.

In this kind of ageing,

there are no barriques. Years worked by artisans

are decanted into final

influential periods essential for aromatic fullness.

The element is elegance:

harmonies able to outlast time. Lands are dotted

with storied frescoes

that illuminate legendary, well-guarded secrets

–like miracle births

in several centuries. Steep tracks surround the area,

enriched by artworks

— labyrinthian sentences dictated by Prime Donne.

All this was planned,

so women will open most naturally – without using

plungers — revisiting

reliable ancient arts that enhance productive ageing

inside and outside

every female form.

. . . . .

Poet: Susan Powers Bourne

Source: Casato Prime Donne

Process: White-out and remix