The main ridge forms an escarpment —
with streams flowing directly to the sea.
Upward-tilting granitic blocks rise —
amidst long, gentle-sloping mounds.
Massive sandstone has been compressed
–some valleys have directions controlled.
Well-rounded hills show deep coatings of soil
–developed fine sea terraces along the coast.
Streams debouch upon the plain, cut into soft
sediments – broad alluvial fans of low relief —
their forms barely more than suggested. Nine distinct
far-reaching disturbances were recorded by profound
uncomformities and numerous readjustments.
Volcanism was active during several epochs —
one of these lasted a considerable time. Descriptions
following may be applied — in general — to the whole.
. . . . .
Poet: Susan Powers Bourne
Source: USGS Publication
Process: Pick and mix