US | CT | ROW: No Longer Knickerbocker

Herman and Miriam Katims
lived for many years in Rowayton.
Their collections contain copies

of Library of Congress copyrights
“Caprice and Fugue,” “No Longer,”
“Knickerbocker on Parade.” These

compositions — most without any
provenance — found in loose pages,
in spiral notebooks. Herman performed

once at Carnegie Hall. Miriam taught piano.
The Katims had their own music publishing
business — called The Lyric Music Company

— operated out of their home in Rowayton.
Their musical legacies live on — ghost notes heard
at night — riding the longest waves on the Sound.

. . . . .

Poet: Susan Powers Bourne
Source: Connecticut Historical Society
rocess: Redact, pick, mix, montage.