US: MI | GR | This is the Beginning, of Anything You Want

This Is the Beginning, of Anything You Want © Susan Powers Bourne

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The library plans to restructure its internal beginnings:

     the library will transform. Authors will learn to write

fiction beginning in their fifties, mastering the craft

      and the road. Upon entering the building, everyone listens

to music beginning in the stacks. Don’t worry about finding

      the river in the beginning: just worry about the stream.

This summer’s beginning didn’t make much of an impression.

      Beginning readers, keep track of what you read on the log.

Come to the library for your prize — beginning with a plush

      star. Life was rough beginning in open streets – but people

have been part of history from the beginning to the present.

      Beginning with the secretive bodies, old members now offer

one-on-one classes at all seven branches – a first-of-its-kind.

      Designed in ancient beginnings, brief courses show how to fight

against fraud – how to identify potential and prepare to seek.

      Beginning with children, large and small, personal property

will be phased out over time. Like beginning with a blank canvas,

      families can be places of possibility. Some see empty lots;

others see fields for planting beginnings — making history live.

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Poet: Susan Powers Bourne

Sources: Grand Rapids Public Library

Wildridge Wellness Expressions

Process: Mined / remixed web text