US: OH | Witness: AB

Witness: AB

A Toledo-born

woman reporting:

A Girl Interrupted —

Surviving a Monkey Cage

‘Innocent’ Human Trafficker

The Price of Mass Surveillance

Yearning for Freedom in Croatia

How Adult Court Changed Oliver

Grandson Executed by Congo Police

Lack of Support in Japanese Orphanages

Deaf and Shut Out from HIV Information

Freezing Out Kenya’s Independent Voices

Freeing Women From Cleaning Human Waste

Silent Suffering of US Drug-Dependent Veterans

Nashville Immigrants Too Scared to Call the Police

From Detention in Syria to Death Threats in Turkey

Child Soldier’s Darfur Confession – ‘I shot her. She is dead.’

Watching humans exercise their rights is not always beautiful.

. . . . .

Poet: Susan Powers Bourne

Source: Human Rights Watch 

Process: Cento, AB Witness titles;

with original last line by poet spb.