US: VT | Make Life Lean

    Make Life Lean

lithe lakes live long

fish fowl trade routes

arts craft dull work

girls quill cloth —

boys hunt tools —

deer, moose, bears mate

bands share meals

male’s lance hums —

blunts each month

streams spawn pounds —

gulls, geese, ducks fly

leave long vee trails.

blue blinds hide plants

green birch barks sap

space heats big rocks

stones boil down cake

spring trysts ease sores

fern plants keep wet —

rain corn-bean-squash.

farm cults know ways

tall heads clear house

hands stand, fall, change

farm means needs grow

mams seek wild cat tails

kids eat, shoot, seed

babes wrap down warm

stems weave mats

sharp times shape pots

mouths crave peaks

harts leap lost crops —

trees drop dry hay

snow sets fresh drifts

field ponds leak, fill –

sky orbs wax, wane —

ley lines tell tales.

. . . . .

Poet: Susan Powers Bourne

Source: The Flow of History

Process: Redact, erasure;

used one syllable words.