Women | CAN | Canada


Florence Casler (30 may 1869 – 15 mar 1954 | Canada – Yolo CA) plumber, groundbreaking female architect / contractor / real estate developer of downtown Los Angeles, first female / then sole female director Peoples Bank of Los Angeles









Lynn McDonald (15 jul 1940 – Canada) author, scholar, essayist, professor, anti-tobacco activist, former politician, environmental activist, co-founder / active member of The [Florence] Nightingale Society

Belinda Jacqueline Nash (27 oct 1946 – 16 feb 2016 | Canada – Virginia Beach VA) Canadian-Amerian author, activist, historian, biographer

Anne Petrie (24 dec 1946 – Canada) broadcast journalist, nonfiction author


Barbara Louise Jackman (23 oct 1950 – Canada) author, attorney advocate for immigration / refugee rights, pro-reform of Canadian refugee determination system

Denise [Deni] Loubert (30 sep 1951 – Canada) author, comics publisher, comics press founder / co-founder

Nancy Reid (17 sep 1952 – Canada) author, theoretical statistician

Beverly Anne Giesbrecht (26 aug 1953 – 2010 | Canada – Pakistan) media consultant, website designer, convert to Islam, created JihadUnspun.com

Diana Schutz (01 feb 1955 – Canada) comic book editor, editor-in-chief of Comico, adjunct professor of comics history and criticism

Julie Czerneda (11 apr 1955 – Canada) author, biologist, science fiction / fantasy editor, short-story writer

Marie-Josée Fortin (21 oct 1958 – Canada) author, essayist, professor Canada Research Chair in spatial ecology at University of Toronto

Kate Lynch (29 jun 1959 – Canada) playwright, drama teacher, theatre director, tv / film / stage actress

Susan Pedersen (31 aug 1959 – CAN) Canadian-born American author, professor, historian, biographer