Women | US-NY | New York


Frances Montresor Buchanan Allen Penniman (04 apr 1760 – 1834 | New York NY – Burlington VT) botanist, gardener, illustrator, political activist / family member



Elizabeth Harper Tappan (24 feb 1784 – 02 aug 1855 | Harpersfield NY – Harpersfield OH) pioneer, teacher at Western Reserve school



Caroline Mathilda Stansbury Kirkland (11 jan 1801 – 06 apr 1864 | New York NY – New York NY) writer, editor, social activist, Domestic School co-founder

Jane McManus Cazneau (06 apr 1807 – 12 dec 1878 | Brunswick NY – at sea near Dominican Republic) journalist, publicist, aka Cora Montgomery


Jane Elizabeth Hitchcock Jones (13 mar 1813 – 13 jan 1896 | Vernon NY – Brooklyn NY) author, suffragist, abolitionist, women’s rights activist

Myrtilla Miner (04 mar 1815 – 17 dec 1864 | New York NY – Washington DC) educator, abolitionist, social activist, founder / director Normal School for Colored Girls [later DC Teachers College]

Sallie Holley (17 feb 1818 – 12 jan 1893 | Canandaigua NY – New York NY) author, educator, abolitionist, co-founded Holley School for freed slaves, active member of American Anti-Slavery Association, lifelong companion


Frances Jane [Fanny] Crosby van Alstyne (24 mar 1820 – 12 feb 1915 | Brewster NY – Bridgeport CT) poet, lyricist, composer, blind activist, mission worker, autobiographical author

Cornelia Phillips Spencer (20 mar 1825 – 11 mar 1908 | Harlem NY – Cambridge MA) poet, hymnist, journalist, social historian, first female to receive honorary degree from University of North Carolina

Matilda Electa Joslyn Gage (24 mar 1826 – 18 mar 1898 | Cicero NY – Chicago IL) artist, editor, author, suffragist, Theosophist, freethinker, Native American activist

Candace Thurber Wheeler (24 mar 1827 – 05 aug 1923 | Delhi NY – New York NY) textile / interior designer, women’s arts supporter, aka Mother of Interior Design

Cynthia Hicks Van Name Leonard (28 feb 1828 – 10 apr 1908 | Buffalo NY – Rutherford NJ) writer, aid worker, suffragist, spiritualist, social reformer, first female NYC mayoral candidate, founded first IA soldiers home, founded IL Good Samaritan Society, created women’s homeless shelters, advocated women prison guards for women

Catharine Lorillard Wolfe (08 mar 1828 – 04 apr 1887 | New York NY – New York NY) art collector, philanthropist


Jane Stuart Woolsey (07 feb 1830 – 09 jul 1891 | Brooklyn NY – Fishkill NY) teacher, memoirist, Civil War Union nurse, field hospital superintendent

Anna White (21 jan 1831 – 16 dec 1910 | Brooklyn NY – Mount Lebanon NY) Shaker Eldress, religious sister, social / political / peace activist, Mt. Lebanon Shaker Community member

Mary Mapes Dodge (26 jan 1831 – 21 aug 1905 | New York NY – Tannersville NY) editor, children’s book author

Mary Louise Booth (19 apr 1831 – 05 mar 1889 | Yaphank NY – New York NY) writer, author, historian, magazine editor, French / English translator

Osia Joslyn Hiles (13 feb 1832 – unknown | near Batavia NY – unknown) poet, philanthropist, social activist, gardener / groundskeeper, Native American rights activist, helped found Home for the Friendless / Wisconsin Humane Society / Woman’s Club of Wisconsin, originated one of the first stock companies for women

Lucy Hobbs Taylor (14 mar 1833 – 03 oct 1910 | Constable NY – Lawrence KS) women’s rights activist, first graduated / licensed U.S. female dentist

Harriet Maxwell Converse (11 jan 1836 – 18 nov 1903 | Elmira NY – New York NY) poet, author, adopted Iroquois, aka Yaiewano / Gayaneshaoh

Erminnie Adele Platt Smith (26 apr 1836 – 09 jun 1886 | Marcellus NY – Jersey City NJ) author, ethnologist

Helen Louise Chapel Bullock (29 apr 1836 – 1927 | Norwich NY – Norwich NY) suffragist, philanthropist, musical educator, temperance activist, women’s prison reformer

Margaret Elizabeth Munson Sangster (22 feb 1838 – 03 jun 1912 | New Rochelle NY – South Orange Village NJ) poet, editor, hymnist, short story writer, pen name: Aunt Marjorie, autobiographical author

Lydia Amanda Brewster Sewell (24 feb 1839 – 15 nov 1926 | North Elba NY – Florence, Italy) artist, genre / portrait painter

Olive Logan (22 apr 1839 – 27 apr 1909 | Elmira NY – Banstead UK) author, actress, lecturer, suffragist


Cora Linn Veronica Richmond (21 apr 1840 – 03 jan 1923 | Cuba NY – Chicago IL) author, medium, Spiritualist, trance lecturer, co-founded National Spiritualist Association of Churches

Sarah Rosetta Wakeman (16 jan 1843 – 19 jun 1864 | Afton NY – New Orleans LA) US folk figure, aka Lyons Wakeman, letter correspondent, disguised female Civil War Union soldier

Helen Kendrick Johnson (04 jan 1844 – 03 jan 1917 | Hamilton NY – Rochester NY) poet, activist, travel writer, children’s author

Ella Flagg Young (16 jan 1844 – 26 oct 1918 | Buffalo NY – Washington DC) author, essayist, theorist, educator, first female superintendent of major school district, first female president of National Education Association [NEA]

Emma Cecilia Thursby (21 feb 1845 – 04 jul 1931 | Brooklyn NY – New York NY) soprano singer, music professor, aka The American Nightingale, first US female concert promoter, Swami Vivekananda supporter

Josephine Lazarus (23 mar 1846 – 03 feb 1910 | New York NY – Manhattan NY) book critic, essayist, Zionist, lecturer, biographer, Transcendentalist, Emma Lazarus’ sister and co-publisher


Antoinette Sterling (23 jan 1850 – 10 jan 1904 | Sterlingville NY – Hampstead UK) Anglo-American vocalist, teacher, voice teacher, church singer, Christian Scientist

Sarah Loguen Fraser (29 jan 1850 – 09 apr 1933 | Syracuse NY – Washington DC) African-American, social activist, medical pioneer, first black female graduate Upstate Medical University, first black female doctor in Dominican Republic

Jeannette Meyer Thurber (29 jan 1850 – 02 jan 1946 | Delhi NY – Bronxville NY) pioneering music educator, American Opera Company founder, one of first major US classical music patrons, founded National Conservatory of Music of America, sponsored the debut of Boston Symphony in New York, created / funded scholarships to blacks / women / handicapped

Mary Emilee Holmes (10 apr 1850 – 13 feb 1906 | Chester NY – Rockford IL) geologist, educator, first female fellow of the Geological Society of America, co-founded seminary for young black women

Mariana Alley Griswold Van Rensselaer (21 feb 1851 – 20 jan 1934 | New York NY – New York NY) poet, author, historian, biographer, aka Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer, president of Public Education Association of New York, first female architectural critic, honorary member American Institute of Architects and American Society of Landscape Architects

Anna Caroline Maxwell (14 mar 1851 – 02 jan 1929 | Bristol NY – New York NY) nurse, author, nurse educator, established Army Nursing Corps, aka The American Florence Nightingale

Ella Weed (27 jan 1853 – 10 jan 1894 | Newburgh NY – New York NY) author, educator, satirical novelist, Barnard College fundraiser / founding member

Kate Stephens (27 feb 1853 – 10 may 1938 | Moravia NY – Lawrence KS) author, feminist, suffragist, biographer, short fiction writer, philanthropist, established Stephens Bequest

Jennie Jerome Churchill (09 jan 1854 – 29 jun 1921 | Brooklyn NY – London UK) American-English, magazine editor, mother of Winston Churchill

Anna Campbell Palmer (03 feb 1854 – 18 jun 1928 | Elmira NY – Elmira NY) novelist, aka Mrs. George Archibald

Frances [Fannie] Barrier Williams (12 feb 1855 – 04 mar 1944 | Brockport NY – Brockport NY) teacher, lecturer, journalist, social / civil rights activist

Emma Esther Lampert Cooper (24 feb 1855 – 30 jul 1920 | Nunda NY – Pittsford NY) realist artist

Alice Elvira Freeman Palmer (21 feb 1855 – 06 dec 1902 | Colesville NY – Paris, France) poet, educator, professor, photographer, president of Wellesley College [1881-1887]

Annie Morrill Smith (13 feb 1856 – 1946 | Brooklyn NY – Brooklyn NY) editor, author, botanist / bryologist, genealogist, active member of The Sullivant Moss Society

Elizabeth Gardiner Glendower Evans (28 feb 1856 – 12 dec 1937 | New Rochelle NY – Brookline MA) memoirist, social activist

Dora Wheeler Keith (12 mar 1856 – 07 dec 1940 | New York NY – Brooklyn NY) artist, designer, illustrator, realist painter, aka Mrs. Boudinot Keith

Elizabeth Gertrude Knight Britton (09 jan 1857 – 25 feb 1934 | New York NY – Bronx NY) author, botanist, bryologist, educator

Louise Whitfield Carnegie (07 mar 1857 – 24 jun 1946 | New York NY – New York NY) philanthropist

Elisabeth Mills Reid (06 jan 1858 – 30 apr 1931 | New York NY – Nice, France) social activist, philanthropist, women’s arts / academics advocate

Jessie Catherine Kinsley (26 mar 1858 – 10 feb 1938 | Oneida NY – Oneida NY) diarist, painter, folk artist, memoirist, letter correspondent, braided tapestry maker, Oneida Community member

Mabel Osgood Wright (26 jan 1859 – 16 jul 1934 | New York NY – Fairfield CT) bird / nature / gardening author

Helen Gray Cone (08 mar 1859 – 31 jan 1934 | New York NY – New York NY) poet, literature professor


Katharine Bement Davis (15 jan 1860 – 10 dec 1935 | Buffalo NY – Pacific Grove CA) author, criminologist, progressive era social reformer, first female NYC Correction Commissioner, science-based prison reformer, groundbreaking female sexuality researcher, first US female PhD in economics and political science

Maud Gage Baum (27 mar 1861 – 06 mar 1953 | Fayetteville NY – Hollywood CA) lace and embroidery teacher, no-nonsense mother four sons, wife of Wizard of Oz creator Frank L. Baum

Julia Ellsworth Ford (08 apr 1861 – 14 aug 1950 | New York NY – New York NY) artist, author, socialite, art collector, philanthropist, salon doyenne

Edith Newbold Jones Wharton (24 jan 1862 – 11 aug 1937 | New York NY – Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt, France) novelist, designer, short story writer

Jane A. Delano (12 mar 1862 – 15 apr 1919 | Montour Falls NY – Savenay, France) nurse, author, founded American Red Cross Nursing Service, US Army Nurse Corps superintendent

Laura Jean Libbey (22 mar 1862 – 25 oct 1924 | Brooklyn NY – Brooklyn NY) prolific ‘dime’ romance novelist

Catherine Everit [Kate] Macy Ladd (06 apr 1863 – 27 aug 1945 | Manhattan NY – Far Hills NJ) philanthropist, founder of  philanthropic foundation

Mira Hinsdale Hall (21 apr 1863 – 25 aug 1937 | Leroy NY – York Harbor ME) educator, founded Miss Hall’s School in Pittsfield MA, one of first public institutions for higher education of young women

Marian De Forest (27 feb 1864 – 17 feb 1935 | Buffalo NY – Buffalo NY) editor, reporter, journalist, playwright, women’s advocate

Mary White Ovington (11 apr 1865 – 15 jul 1951 | Brooklyn NY – Newton Highlands MA) suffragist, journalist, social / civil rights activist, NAACP co-founder

Emily James Smith Putnam (15 apr 1865 – 07 sep 1944 | Canandaigua NY – Kingston, Jamaica) author, women’s educator

Grace Livingston Hill (16 apr 1865 – 01 jan 1947 | Wellsville NY – Swarthmore PA) aka Marcia Macdonald, Christian novelist / short story writer

Lydia Field Emmet (23 jan 1866 – 16 aug 1952 | New Rochelle NY – New York NY) artist, portrait painter, stained glass artist

Helen Strong Carter (11 mar 1866 – 28 may 1945 | Rochester NY – San Francisco CA) philanthropist, social activist, First Lady of Territory of Hawaii, established Strong-Carter Dental Clinic at Palama Settlement HI / Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester NY

E. Alice Munn Austen (17 mar 1866 – 09 jun 1952 | Staten Island NY – Staten Island NY) photographer, landscape artist, master tennis player, first Staten Island woman to own automobile

Antonia Maury (21 mar 1866 – 08 jan 1952 | Cold Spring NY – Dobbs Ferry NY) author, astronomer, published early catalog of stellar spectra

Rona Pondick (18 apr 1952 – Brooklyn NY) sculptor, focus on language of the body

Annie Nathan Meyer (19 feb 1867 – 23 sep 1951 | New York NY – New York NY) author, playwright, Barnard College founder, women’s educational rights activist / advocate

Edyth Walker (27 mar 1867 – 19 feb 1950 | Hopewell NY – New York NY) operatic mezzo-soprano

Helen Hyde (06 apr 1868 – 13 may 1919 | Lima NY – Pasadena CA) etcher, engraver, woodblock printmaker

Alice Hamilton (27 feb 1869 – 22 sep 1970 | New York NY – Hadlyme CT) author, social reformer, occupational health innovator, pioneer in industrial toxicology


Margaret Fuller (23 jan 1872 – 01 feb 1954 | Brooklyn NY – Norwich CT) poet, author, children’s writer

Florence Kate Upton (22 feb 1873 – 16 oct 1922 | Flushing NY – London UK) author, cartoonist, illustrator, American-born English

Ida Helen Ogilvie (12 feb 1874 – 13 oct 1963 | New York NY – Germantown NY) author, educator, geologist, glaciation research expert

Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney (09 jan 1875 – 18 apr 1942 | New York NY – New York NY) sculptor, art patron / collector, Whitney Museum of American Art founder

Isadore Gilbert Mudge (14 mar 1875 – 16 may 1957 | Brooklyn NY – Lutherville MD) editor, author, librarian, professor, bibliographer, pioneering reference librarian

Florence Elizabeth Smith Knapp (25 mar 1875 – 26 oct 1949 | Syracuse NY – Marcy NY) author, politician, Secretary of State of New York, Dean of College of Home Economics at Syracuse University, accused of maladministration / convicted of grand larceny, only woman elected to statewide office in New York [1924 – 1974]

Natalie Curtis Burlin (26 apr 1875 – 23 oct 1921 | New York NY – Paris, France) author, ethnomusicologist

Carolyn Beatrice Post (06 mar 1876 – 16 feb 1961 | Babylon NY – Umatilla OR) First Lady of Puerto Rico, member of then well-known US political family

Mary Ellicott Arnold (23 apr 1876 – 1968 | New Brighton NY – Nova Scotia, Canada) writer, teacher, memoirist, Native American Indian rights activist, member Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom [WILPF]

Estelle Aubrey Brown (03 jan 1877 – 23 jan 1958 | New York NY – Pima AZ) novelist, essayist, short story writer

Jean Hortense Norris (25 jan 1877 – after 1935 | Brooklyn NY – unknown) judge, attorney, first female magistrate in New York City, disbarred [1931] for judicial malfeasance

Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan (02 mar 1877 – 06 dec 1964 | New York NY – Southampton NY) autobiographical author, maternal abuse survivor, member prominent Vanderbilt family, WWI chair of Economic Relief Committee for American Women’s War Relief Fund, co-founded / funded post-war Foch Hospital in Parisian suburb

Eugenie Wehrle McEvoy (12 mar 1879 – 22 jul 1975 | New York NY – Woodstock NY) artist, piano restorer, sharpshooter, collie breeder, Catskill resort manager,  theatrical production company manager and technical director

Augusta Curtiss Huiell Seaman Freeman (03 apr 1879 – 05 jun 1950 | New York NY – Seaside Park NJ) prolific children’s author


Elisabeth Achelis (24 jan 1880 – 11 feb 1973 | Brooklyn NY – New York NY) calendar reformer, philanthropist, world calendar advocate, autobiographical author, founding president of World Calendar Association

Dorothy Donnelly (28 jan 1880 – 03 jan 1928 | New York NY – New York NY) actress, lyricist, librettist, playwright, producer, director

Edith May Kennedy (19 apr 1880 – unknown | Auburn NY – unknown) pioneering female screenwriter

Gemma La Guardia Gluck (24 apr 1881 – 01 nov 1962 | New York NY – New York NY) memoirist, Italian-Jewish-American, Holocaust survivor, sister of Fiorello La Guardia [first Italian-American mayor of NYC]

Marguerite Clark (22 feb 1883 – 25 sep 1940 | Cincinnati OH – New York NY) director, stage / film actress, production company owner / founder

Elise [Betty] Scott (07 mar 1883 – 07 feb 1955 | New York NY – Los Angeles CA) actress, screenwriter

Josephine [Jo] Verstille Nivison Hopper (18 mar 1883 – 06 mar 1968 | Manhattan NY – Nyack NY) painter, artist’s model, muse / wife of Edward Hopper

Jessie Sampter (22 mar 1883 – 25 nov 1938 | New York NY – Givat Brenner, Israel) Zionist poet, educator, pioneer

Alice Lee Roosevelt Longworth (12 feb 1884 – 20 feb 1980 | New York NY – Washington DC) socialite, political folk figure, newspaper columnist, autobiographical author

Mary [Mollie] Crawford (18 feb 1884 – 25 nov 1972 | Manhattan NY – New York NY) surgeon, WWI surgeon in France, Brooklyn NY’s first female ambulance surgeon, co-founded American Women’s Hospitals Service

Florence Turner (06 jan 1885 – 28 aug 1946 | New York NY – Woodland Hills CA) actress, film director / producer / screenwriter

Harriet Josephine Terry (04 feb 1885 – 15 aug 1967 | Cornwall-on-Hudson NY – Washington DC) university professor, founding member African-American women’s Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority

Blanche Stuart [Betty] Scott (08 apr 1885 – 12 jan 1970 | Rochester NY – Rochester NY) curator, scriptwriter, pioneering aviator, second American woman to drive across the US

Agnes Elizabeth Ernst Meyer (02 jan 1887 – 01 sep 1970 | New York NY – Pelham NY) German-American writer, journalist, art collector, philanthropist

Theresa Helburn (12 jan 1887 – 18 aug 1959 | New York NY – Norwalk CT) theatrical producer, autobiographical author

Elizabeth Hollister Frost (01 mar 1887 – 09 apr 1958 | Rochester NY – Rochester NY) poet, novelist

Winifred Goldring (01 feb 1888 – 30 jan 1971 | Kenwood NY – Albany NY) educator, paleontologist, diorama designer, first female appointed State Paleontologist


Marion Dickerman (11 apr 1890 – 16 may 1983 | Westfield NY – Kennett Square PA) educator, suffragist, school vice-principal, intimate friend of Eleanor Roosevelt

May Singhi Breen (24 feb 1891 – 19 dec 1991 | New York NY – New York NY) composer, arranger, ukulele pioneer, aka The Original Ukulele Lady, first woman inducted into the Ukulele Hall of Fame

Lois Burnham Wilson (04 mar 1891 – 05 oct 1988 | Brooklyn Heights NY – Bedford Hills NY) aka Lois W., social activist, Al-Anon founder, autobiographical author, aka The First Lady of Al-Anon

Julia Lina Sauer (08 apr 1891 – 26 jun 1983 | Rochester NY – Rochester NY) librarian, children’s fantasy / realistic fiction author

Dorothy Pulis Lathrop (16 apr 1891 – 30 dec 1980 | Albany NY – Falls Church CT) artist, author, printmaker, children’s book writer / illustrator

Caresse [Polly] Crosby (20 apr 1891 – 24 jan 1970 | New Rochelle NY – Rome, Italy) poet, publisher, ghost writer, avant-garde arts / literary figure, born Mary Phelps Jacob, founded Women Against War, invented / patented modern brassiere

Georgia Elma Harkness (21 apr 1891 – 21 aug 1974 | Harkness NY – Claremont CA) author, professor, Methodist theologian, ministry of arts / poetry advocate

Gladys Hall (26 apr 1891 – 18 sep 1977 | New York NY – Huntington NY) poet, journalist, essayist, syndicated columnist

Emma Adelaide Hahn (01 apr 1893 – 08 jul 1967 | New York NY – New York NY) linguist, classicist, professor, Latin / Indo-European specialist, first female president of Linguistic Society of America

Marjorie Hope Nicolson (18 feb 1894 – 09 mar 1981 | Yonkers NY – White Plains NY) author, drama critic, scholar, college dean / president

Symona Boniface (05 mar 1894 – 02 sep 1950 | New York NY – Woodland Hills CA) actress, producer, playwright

Caroline Beaumont Zachry (20 apr 1894 – 22 feb 1945 | New York NY – New York NY) author, educational psychologist

Carrie Mary McLain (26 jan 1895 – 30 may 1973 | Astoria NY – Nome AK) author, teacher, Nome museum namesake

Anna May [Anita] Stewart (07 feb 1895 – 04 may 1961 | Brooklyn NY – Beverly Hills CA) film producer, silent film actress

Beatrice Alexander Behrman (09 mar 1895 – 03 oct 1990 | Brooklyn NY – Palm Beach FL) dollmaker, entrepreneur, aka Madame Alexander

Geraldine Pratt May (21 apr 1895 – 02 nov 1997 | Albany NY – Menlo Park CA) social worker, first WAF director, first female Air Force full colonel

Alice DeLamar (23 apr 1895 – 31 aug 1983 | New York NY – Norwalk CT) lesbian, heiress, arts patron, philanthropist, gallery owner, up-and-coming artist promoter

Dorothy Varian (26 apr 1895 – 01 oct 1985 | New York NY – Bearsville NY) painter, designer

Dorothy Frooks (12 feb 1896 – 13 apr 1997 | Saugerties NY – New York NY) author, actress, publisher, military figure

Mercedes de Acosta (01 mar 1896 – 09 may 1968 | New York NY – New York NY) poet, novelist,  playwright, known for lesbian liaisons with many well-known women

Marion Cecilia Douras Davis (03 jan 1897 – 22 sep 1961 | Brooklyn NY – Hollywood CA) film actress, producer, screenwriter, philanthropist

Isabel Bassett Wasson (11 jan 1897 – 21 feb 1994 | Brooklyn NY – La Grange Park IL) birder, author, pioneering female petroleum geologist, first female ranger at Yellowstone National Park, first (male or female) interpretive rangers of US National Park Service

Margaret Petherbridge Farrar (23 mar 1897 – 11 jun 1984 | Brooklyn NY – Manhattan NY) journalist, crossword rules / design innovator, crossword puzzle book author, first crossword puzzle editor for  New York Times

Anita [Angna] Enters (28 apr 1897 – 25 feb 1989 | New York NY – Tenafly NJ) mime, writer, dancer, painter, novelist, playwright

Katharine Burr Blodgett (10 jan 1898 – 12 oct 1979 | Schenectady NY – Schenectady NY) inventor, physicist, scientific researcher, first female PhD in Physics at University of Cambridge, invented low-reflectance invisible glass

Irene Corbally Kuhn (15 jan 1898 – 30 dec 1995 | New York NY – Concord MA) journalist, memoirist, syndicated columnist, founding member Overseas Press Club

Molly Picon (28 feb 1898 – 06 apr 1992 | New York NY – Lancaster PA) lyricist, actress, dramatic storyteller, born Małka Opiekun

Muriel Sibell Wolle (03 apr 1898 – 09 jan 1977 | Brooklyn NY – Boulder CO) artist, author, illustrator, community activist, civil rights advocate, fine arts educator / administrator

Eleanor [Leonia] Touroff Glueck (12 apr 1898 – 25 sep 1972 | Brooklyn NY – Cambridge MA) author, criminologist, juvenile delinquency specialist expert

Ruth Leah Bernheim Bunzel (18 apr 1898 – 14 jan 1990 | New York NY – New York NY) author, feminist, Zuni expert, anthropologist

Amy Jones (04 apr 1899 – 08 oct 1992 | Buffalo NY – Escondido CA) artist, muralist, illustrator, founding member of Saranac Lake Art League

Beatrice Fry Hyslop (10 apr 1899 – 23 jul 1973 | New York NY – Rochester NY) author, teacher, historian


Laura Kean Zametkin Hobson (28 feb 1900 – 28 feb 1986 | New York NY – New York NY) novelist

Ilka Chase (08 apr 1900 – 15 feb 1978 | New York NY – Mexico City, Mexico) actress, novelist, memoirist

Laura Reichental Riding (16 jan 1901 – 02 sep 1991 | New York NY – Sebastian FL) poet, critic, novelist, essayist, short story writer, member of The Fugitives

Stella Adler (10 feb 1901 – 21 dec 1992 | New York NY – Los Angeles CA) author, actress, biographer, memoirist, acting teacher, acting school founder / director

Vera Huppe Maxwell (22 apr 1901 – 15 jan 1995 | New York NY – Rincon, Puerto Rico) Swiss-American fashion designer

Mary Millicent Abigail Rogers (01 feb 1902 – 01 jan 1953 | New York NY – Taos NM) socialite, art collector, fashion icon

Viña Delmar (29 jan 1903 – 19 jan 1990 | New York NY – Los Angeles CA) née Alvina Croter, Jewish-American novelist, playwright, screenwriter

Joan Whitney Payson (05 feb 1903 – 04 oct 1975 | New York NY – New York NY) philanthropist, patron of arts, art collector

Dorothy Schiff (11 mar 1903 – 30 aug 1989 | New York NY – New York NY) social welfare activist, columnist, newspaper owner / publisher

Carol Weld (19 mar 1903 – 31 mar 1979 | New York NY – Miami FL) author, journalist, foreign correspondent, aka Florence Carol Greene, founding member of Overseas Press Club, WWII British-American Ambulance Corps chair / organizer

Clare Boothe Luce (10 apr 1903 – 09 oct 1987 | New York NY – Washington DC) author, playwright, ambassador, first American woman appointed to major ambassadorial post abroad

Dorothy Lehman Berhard (22 apr 1903 – 06 mar 1969 | New York NY – New York NY) civic leader, foster parent, philanthropist, child welfare activist, patron of arts

Anya Seton Chase (23 jan 1904 – 08 nov 1990 | New York NY – Old Greenwich CT) historical /romance / biographical novelist

Mary C. McCall Jr. (04 apr 1904 – 04 apr 1986 | New York NY – Los Angeles CA) screenwriter, first female president of Writers Guild of America

Katherine Pharis Salisbury Hazen (13 feb 1905 – 19 nov 2003 | Geddes NY – Lexington MA) world traveler, degree in chemistry from Mount Holyoke College, MIT graduate student, alumnae trustee of Mount Holyoke College, active volunteer at American Association of Variable Star Observers in Cambridge MA

Helen Tamiris (24 apr 1905 – 04 aug 1966 | New York NY – New York NY) dancer, choreographer, modern dance teacher

Helen Deutsch (21 mar 1906 – 15 mar 1992 | New York NY – New York NY) journalist, songwriter, screenwriter, theatre reviewer

Marion Morehouse Cummings (31 mar 1906 – 18 may 1969 | New York NY – New York NY) photographer, model / artist’s model, literary family figure

Ellabelle Davis (17 mar 1907 – 15 nov 1960 | New Rochelle NY – New Rochelle NY) operatic soprano, aka The Gentle Lark of New Rochelle

Anita [Angna] Enters (18 apr 1907 – 25 feb 1989 | New York NY – Tenafly NJ) mime,  dancer, author, painter, sculptor, novelist, playwright

Elizabeth [Lee] Miller, Lady Penrose (23 apr 1907 – 21 jul 1977 | Poughkeepsie NY – Chiddingly UK) surrealist, photographer, photojournalist, WWII war correspondent

Fleur Cowles (20 jan 1908 – 05 jun 2009 | New York NY – Sussex UK) author, editor, painter, aka Florence Freidman, fashion magazine founder / publisher

Alzira Handforth Boehm Peirce Albaugh (31 jan 1908 – 19 jun 2010 | New York NY – Brighton MA) artist, painter, sculptor

Esther Bradford Aresty (26 mar 1908 – 23 dec 2000 | Syracuse NY – Princeton NJ) novelist, pen-name Elaine Arthur, culinary historian, cookbook creator and collector, radio show writer / producer, cooking / cuisine / etiquette author

Ernestine Gilbreth Carey (04 apr 1908 – 04 nov 2006 | New York NY – Fresno CA) novelist, memoirist

Anna Palmer North Coit (08 apr 1908 – 15 oct 2014 | Manhattan NY – Mystic CT) poet, Quaker, activist, historian, journalist, Christmas tree farmer

Marion Greenwood (06 apr 1909 – 20 aug 1970 | Brooklyn NY – Woodstock NY) painter, muralist, printmaker, social realist artist

Emily Carla Gorman (09 apr 1909 – 04 jul 2005 | Pulaski NY – St. Petersburg FL) anti-poverty activist, director of US Women’s Army Corps [1962-66], awarded Distinguished Service Medal for Cold War service


Ursula Nordstrom (02 feb 1910 – 11 oct 1988 | Manhattan NY – New Milford CT) juvenile book author, publisher, editor-in-chief

Millicent Hammond Fenwick (25 feb 1910 – 16 sep 1992 | New York NY – Bernardsville NJ) fashion editor, politician, diplomat 

Claire Wemlinger Trevor (08 mar 1910 – 08 apr 2000 | Brooklyn NY – Newport Beach CA) actress, philanthropist, patron of arts

Helen Teresa Eucharia Flaherty Lennehan Muir (09 feb 1911 – 14 feb 2006 | Yonkers NY – Miami FL) editor, author, journalist, reporter, Florida historian

Katherine Cutler Ficken (03 mar 1911 – 14 oct 1968 | Rochester NY – Bethesda MD) architect, first licensed female architect in Maryland

Henrietta Kay [Henny] Backus (21 mar 1911 – 09 dec 2004 | Brooklyn NY – Los Angeles CA) author, memoirist, stage actress

Cora Baird (26 jan 1912 – 07 dec 1967 | New York NY – New York NY) marionette puppeteer

Barbara Wertheim Tuchman (30 jan 1912 – 06 feb 1989 | New York NY – Greenwich CT) American author, historian, biographer, Pulitzer Prize laureate

Sybil Shearer (23 feb 1912 – 17 nov 2005 | Newark NY – Northbrook IL) dancer, writer, choreographer

Marjory Collins (15 mar 1912 – 15 may 1985 | New York NY – San Francisco CA) writer, editor, feminist, photojournalist, founded Prime Time women’s journal

Eugenia [Jean] Rosenthal (16 mar 1912 – 01 may 1969 | New York NY – New York NY) posthumous author, pioneer theatrical lighting designer

Violet Lucille Fletcher (28 mar 1912 – 31 aug 2000 | Brooklyn NY – Langhorne PA) novelist, librettist, playwright, tv / film / radio scriptwriter

Lillian Friedman Astor (12 apr 1912 – 09 jul 1989 | New York NY – Troy NY) fashion designer, first American female studio cartoon animator (though underrated / undercredited)

Louise Latimer (06 mar 1913 – 16 jun 1973 | Brooklyn NY – Palma de Mallorca, Spain) actress, activist, fashion designer / editorialist

Gertrude Simone Goodrich (20 feb 1914 – 22 aug 2017 | New York NY – Jew Jersey US) painter, writer, WPA primitive muralist

Aline Bernstein Saarinen (25 mar 1914 – 13 jul 1972 | New York NY – New York NY) author, broadcast journalist, art / architecture critic

Janet Schaeffer Wolfe (08 apr 1914 – 30 nov 2015 | New York NY – New York NY) writer, world traveler, New Yorker Talk of the Town columnist, executive director of the New York City Housing Authority Symphony

Mollie Orshansky (09 jan 1915 – 18 dec 2006 | Bronx NY – Manhattan NY) writer, economist, statistician, developed Orshansky Poverty Thresholds [used by US Social Security Administration to determine levels of poverty guidelines]

Eileen Patricia Augusta Fraser Morison (19 mar 1915 – 20 may 2018 | New York NY – West Hollywood CA) artist, film / stage actress, mezzo-soprano singer

Helen Bassine Yglesias (29 mar 1915 – 28 mar 2008 | Brooklyn  NY – New York NY) editor, novelist, political activist, short fiction author

Caroline Bird Mahoney (15 apr 1915 – 11 jan 2011 | New York NY – Nashville TN) feminist, journalist, nonfiction author

Helen Joy Davidman (18 apr 1915 – 13 jul 1960 | New York NY – Oxford UK) poet, prose writer

Betty Midgley Furness (03 jan 1916 – 02 aug 1994 | New York NY – New York NY) actress, commentator, cookbook author, political activist, consumer advocate

Annabelle Lyon (08 jan 1916 – 04 nov 2011 | New York NY – Mansfield MA) ballerina

Mariam McGlone (20 jan 1916 – 19 may 2008 | New York NY – Guilford CT) dancer, educator, dance critic, WWII magazine worker, early member of Martha Graham Dance Company

Rosalind Bengelsdorf  Browne (30 apr 1916 – 10 feb 1979 |  New York NY – New York NY) painter, educator, art critic

Jane Sydney Auer Bowles (22 feb 1917 – 04 may 1973 | New York NY – Málaga, Spain) novelist, playwright

Dorothy Raedler (24 feb 1917 – 11 dec 1993 | New York NY – St. Croix, US Virgin Islands) stage director, choreographer, impresario who specialized in works of Gilbert and Sullivan, helped found St. Croix School of the Arts for children

Mitzi Solomon Cutliffe (01 jan 1918 – 30 dec 2006 | New York NY – Oxfordshire UK) sculptor, textile / ceramic / jewelry artist

Gertrude Belle Elion (23 jan 1918 – 21 feb 1999 | New York NY – Chapel Hill NC) author, professor, biochemist, pharmacologist, cancer researcher, developed AZT first AIDS immunosuppressive drug, awarded Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Luraine Collins Tansey (29 jan 1918 – 18 jun 2014 | Manhattan NY – Bristol RI) slide librarian, co-created first Universal Slide Classification System

Leonore Cohn Annenberg (20 feb 1918 – 12 mar 2009 | New York NY – Rancho Mirage CA) patron of arts, philanthropist, US government official / Chief of Protocol, chair / president of Annenberg Foundation

Elaine de Kooning (12 mar 1918 – 01 feb 1989 | Brooklyn NY – Southampton NY) artist, painter, Art News magazine editorial associate

Lela Siwoff Swift (01 feb 1919 – 04 aug 2015 | New York NY – Santa Monica CA) pioneering television director

Florence M. Rice (22 mar 1919 – Buffalo NY) social activist, consumer educator, abortion rights advocate, aka the Ralph Nader of Harlem and the Mother of the Harlem Consumer Movement


Nora Kaye (17 jan 1920 – 28 feb 1987 | New York NY – Los Angeles CA) Jewish-Russian-American, ballerina, producer, choreographer, art collector, aka The Duse of Dance

Hannah Tompkins (17 jan 1920 – 25 oct 1995 | New York NY – Clearwater FL) Russian-Polish-Jewish-American artist, printmaker, Shakespeare-based painter

Crosby Newell Bonsall (02 jan 1921 – 10 jan 1995 | Queens NY – Boston MA) artist, children’s book author / illustrator

Eleanor Elizabeth DeVito Owen (22 jan 1921 – Brooklyn NY) journalist, professor, playwright, theatre actress, costume designer, mental health professional, family / individuals mental health advocate, co-founded National Alliance for the Mentally Ill [NAMI]

Beatrice Mintz (24 jan 1921 – New York NY) Jewish-American author, embryologist, melanoma specialist, developmental biologist

Ada Louise Landman Huxtable (14 mar 1921 – 07 jan 2013 | New York NY – New York NY) author, architecture critic

Marie Birmingham Ponsot (06 apr 1921 – 05 jul 2019 | Brooklyn NY – Manhattan NY) poet, teacher, essayist, translator, literary critic

Margaret Hope Borchardt Bacon (07 apr 1921 – 24 feb 2011 | New York NY – Kennett Square PA) Quaker, historian, author, lecturer

Ruth du Pont Lord (14 jan 1922 – 04 aug 2014 | New York NY – New Haven CT) author, biographer, philanthropist, psychiatrist, supporter of the arts, co-founder Long Wharf Theatre, Yale Child Study Center researcher, last private resident of Winterthur mansion which became Winterthur Museum

Rosemary Kuhlmann (30 jan 1922 – 17 aug 2019 | New York NY – Rhode Island) operatic mezzo-soprano, Broadway musical actress, WWII WAVE and Morse code operator

Kay Rose (12 feb 1922 – 11 dec 2002 | New York NY – Burbank CA) sound editor, first female sound editor to win an Oscar

Eileen Ottensoser Ford (25 mar 1922 – 09 jul 2014 | New York NY – Morristown NJ) author, photographer, co-founded Ford Models agency

Jean Murray Stapleton (19 jan 1923 – 31 may 2013 | Manhattan NY – New York NY) author, Christian Scientist, tv / stage / film actress

Ruth Lyttle Satter (08 mar 1923 – 03 aug 1989 | New York NY – New Haven CT) botanist, professor-in-residence, research focus on circadian leaf movement, advocate for women in science, namesake for Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics

Diane Nemerov Arbus (14 mar 1923 – 26 jul 1971 | New York NY – New York NY) controversial portrait photographer

Paula Fox (22 apr 1923 – 01 mar 2017 | New York NY – Brooklyn NY) memoirist, children’s / adult novelist

Gloria Laura Vanderbilt (20 feb 1924 – 17 jun 2019 | New York NY – New York NY) artist, author, actress, designer, socialite, heiress

Evelyn Berezin (12 apr 1925 – 08 dec 2018 | Bronx NY – New York NY) computer designer, designed first computer-driven word processor and first computer-controlled system for airline reservations

Evelyn Schulman Lear (08 jan 1926 – 01 jul 2012 | Brooklyn NY – Sandy Spring MD) operatic soprano, Fulbright Scholar

Vivian Dorothy Maier (01 feb 1926 – 21 apr 2009 | New York NY – Chicago IL) street photographer

Isabel Bigley (23 feb 1926 – 30 sep 2006 | Bronx NY – Los Angeles CA) singer, actress, art education philanthropist, established Ohio State graduate program in arts policy and administration

Mimi Solomon Sheraton (10 feb 1926 – Brooklyn NY) author, food critic, essayist, first female restaurant critic at The New York Times

Helen Celia [Bonnie] Bluh (29 mar 1926 – 02 oct 2008 | New York NY – New York NY) actor, speaker, novelist, essayist, publisher

Gloria Sachs (17 feb 1927 – 12 mar 2012 | Manhattan NY – Manhattan NY) painter, sculptor, fashion designer

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Dall Seagraves (25 mar 1927 – New York NY) editor, educator, historian, librarian

Joan Feynman (31 mar 1927 – 21 jul 2020 | Queens NY – Ventura CA) editor, author, co-author, essayist, astrophysicist, solar wind / sun-earth relations / magnetosphere expert, origins of auroras specialist, created method for predicting sun spot cycles

Judith Krantz (09 jan 1928 – 22 jun 2019 | New York NY – Los Angeles CA) Jewish-American romance novelist

Marcia Marcus (11 jan 1928 – New York NY) artist, professor, figurative / self-portraiture painter

Adele Faber (12 jan 1928 – New York NY) author, focus on families and parenting, expert on communication between adults and children

Cynthia Lee Macdonald (02 feb 1928 – 03 aug 2015 | New York NY – Logan UT) poet, educator, psychoanalyst

Bernice Resnick Sandler (03 mar 1928 – 05 jan 2019 | New York NY – Washington DC) author, professor, women’s rights activist, aka The Godmother of Title IX, coined terms ‘gang rape’ and ‘chilly campus climate’

Susan Jacobson Blanchard (08 mar 1928 – New York NY) socialite, lyricist, theatrical producer

Jean E. Sammet (23 mar 1928 – 20 may 2017 | New York NY – Silver Spring MD) author, computer scientist / historian, developed FORMAC programming language, first female president of ACM [Association for Computing Machinery]

Joan Kelly-Gadol (29 mar 1928 – 15 aug 1982 | Brooklyn NY – New York NY) author, essayist, historian, feminist, Italian Renaissance historian

Norma Merrick Sklarek (15 apr 1928 – 06 feb 2012 | Harlem NY – Pacific Palisades CA) architect, aka The Rosa Parks of Architecture, first US licensed African-American female architect / fellow of American Institute of Architects

Cynthia Ozick (17 apr 1928 – New York NY) novelist, essayist, short story writer

Vivian Perlis (26 apr 1928 – 04 jul 2019 | Brooklyn NY – Weston CT) musicologist, oral historian, founder / former director of Yale University’s Oral History of American Music

Sybil Shainwald (27 apr 1928 – New York NY) writer, lecturer, attorney, women’s health rights activist

Edith Marie Flanigen (28 jan 1929 – Buffalo NY) author, chemist, known for work on synthesis of emeralds / zeolites for molecular sieves, received US National Medal of Technology, first woman at Union Carbide to be named corporate research fellow

Helen Day Stevenson Meyner (05 mar 1929 – 02 nov 1997 | Queens NY – Captiva Island FL) television interviewer, newspaper columnist, NJ State Representative

Florence Rosenfeld Howe (17 mar 1929 – 12 sep 2020 | Brooklyn NY – New York NY) author, historian, feminist, publisher, literary scholar

Freda Gardner (07 apr 1929 – 09 may 2020 | Albany NY – Troy NY) author, professor emerita of Christian education at Princeton, first female tenured faculty at Princeton Seminary, former Moderator of the General Assembly of Presbyterian Church [USA]

Valenza Pauline [Paule] Marshall (09 apr 1929 – 12 aug 2019 | Brooklyn NY – Richmond VA) novelist, memoirist


Ruth Ross (01 feb 1930 – 05 aug 1986 | New York NY – Bronx NY) news journalist, fashion magazine editor, founding member Black Perspective

Elaine Lobl [E. L.] Konigsburg (10 feb 1930 – 19 apr 2013 | New York NY – Falls Church VA) children’s / young adult author / illustrator

Elaine Laron (18 feb 1930 – 06 jun 2013 | Bronx NY – Los Angeles CA) lyricist, songwriter, children’s tv show writer

Anita Slavin Arkin Steckel (24 feb 1930 – 16 mar 2012 | Brooklyn NY – Manhattan NY) graphic artist

Adele Mongan Fasick (18 mar 1930 – New York NY) author, scholar, professor emerita,  former dean of library and information science for Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto

Cynthia [Cindy] Heller Adams (24 apr 1930 – New York NY) memoirist, biographer, gossip columnist, Christian Scientist

Dorothy Goldstein Uhnak (24 apr 1930 – 08 jul 2006 | New York NY – Greenport NY) novelist, NYC Transit Police detective

Eve Rabin Queler (11 jan 1931 – New York NY) conductor,  founded Opera Orchestra of New York [OONY], Artistic Director Emerita of OONY

Mary Rodgers (11 jan 1931 – 26 jun 2014 New York NY – New York NY) musicals composer, children’s book author

Joy Hakim (16 jan 1931 – Forest Hills NY) author, historian, schoolteacher, young adult science / history writer

Linda Weinberg Nochlin (30 jan 1931 – 29 oct 2017 | New York NY – New York NY) author, essayist, feminist, art historian, university professor, women’s arts activist

Betty Parsons (31 jan 1931 – 23 jul 1982 | New York NY – New York NY) painter, gallerist, abstract expressionist, born Betty Bierne Pierson

Judith Viorst (02 feb 1931 – Newark NY) poet, author, journalist, memoirist, psychoanalysis researcher

Helène Greenfield Aylon (04 feb 1931 – 06 apr 2020 | Brooklyn NY – New York NY) multimedia / ecofeminist artist

Maxine Frank Singer (15 feb 1931 – New York NY) author, molecular biologist, science administrator, contributed to solving the genetic code, known for contributions to debates on ethics and regulations on recombinant DNA

Gloria Davy (29 mar 1931 – 28 nov 2012 | Brooklyn NY – Geneva, Switzerland) operatic lirico-spinto soprano

Deborah Meier (06 apr 1931 – New York NY) author, educator, small schools movement activist / founder

Jean Carper (03 jan 1932 – New York NY) author, medical journalist, contributing editor

Susan Oliver (13 feb 1932 – 10 may 1990 | New York NY – Woodland Hills CA) aviator, actress, memoirist, television director, born Charlotte Gercke

Carole Schwerdtfeger [C. S.] Adler (23 feb 1932 – New York NY) teacher, children’s author

Reri Grist (29 feb 1932 – New York NY) coloratura soprano, one of first African-American singers to enjoy major international career in opera

Lily Lodge (12 apr 1932 – New York NY) actress, acting coach, etiquette consultant, co-founder of NYC Actors Conservatory

Nancy Bogen (24 apr 1932 – Brooklyn NY) author-scholar, digital artist, mixed media producer

Shari Lewis (17 jan 1933 – 02 aug 1998 | New York NY – Los Angeles CA) puppeteer, ventriloquist, children’s entertainer

Caroline Lee Bouvier Radziwill (03 mar 1933 – 15 feb 2019 | Southampton NY – New York NY) actress, interior decorator, former fashion designer, public relations executive, sister of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis

Arlene Weiss Alda (12 mar 1933 – Bronx NY) anthologist, photographer, children’s book author / illustrator, oral history author, co-author with husband Alan Alda

Judith Campbell Exner (11 jan 1934 – 24 sep 1999 | New York NY – Duarte CA) artist, memoirist, alleged JFK mistress, political folk figure, autobiographical author

Anne Osborn Krueger (12 feb 1934 – Endicott NY) author, economist, professor of international economics, former World Bank chief economist, first deputy managing director of International Monetary Fund [IMF]

Audrey Geraldine [Audre] Lord (18 feb 1934 – 17 nov 1992 | New York NY – St Croix, US Virgin Islands) poet, writer, activist, essayist

Cynthia Toohey (16 apr 1934 – New York NY) nurse, politician, businesswoman

Elizabeth von Till Warren (16 apr 1934 – 21 apr 2021 | Brooklyn NY – Las Vegas NV) author, historian, preservationist

Emily Mason (12 jan 1935 – 10 dec 2019 | New York NY – Brattleboro VT) color field / lyrical abstract painter

Susan Brownmiller (15 feb 1935 – Brooklyn NY) author, activist, feminist, journalist

Lenore [Lee] Alderstein Herzenberg (15 feb 1935 – New York NY) author, geneticist, immunologist, professor at Stanford

Eleanor Fineman Antin (27 feb 1935 – Bronx NY) artist, author, photographer, professor

Kay WalkingStick (02 mar 1935 – Syracuse NY) Cherokee artist, essayist, mixed media landscape painter, professor emerita of drawing and painting

Marina von Neumann Whitman (06 mar 1935 – New York NY) author, economist, professor, memoirist, former automobile company executive

Patricia Reilly Giff (26 apr 1935 – Brooklyn NY) teacher, children’s book author

Carole Hyatt (29 apr 1935 – New York NY) author, speaker, women’s leadership advocate

Mary R. Lefkowitz (30 apr 1935 – New York NY) author, classical scholar, professor emerita of classical studies at Wellesley College

Betty Rollin (03 jan 1936 – New York NY) author, tv news correspondent, Death with Dignity movement activist

Rosemary Cove (11 jan 1936 – New York NY) painter, sculptor, collage artist

Ann Levy Chernow (01 feb 1936 – New York NY) etcher, painter, lithographer, silkscreen artist

Beth Ames Swartz (05 feb 1936 – New York NY) visual artist, known for abstract art that incorporates words / symbols of philosophical concepts from different cultural world views

Evelyn Fox Keller (20 mar 1936 – New York NY) author, feminist, physicist

Marcia Haufrecht (03 jan 1937 – New York NY) dancer, actress, director, playwright, acting coach / teacher, founder / artistic director of off-off Broadway Common Basis Theatre

Martina Arroyo (02 feb 1937 – Harlem NY) operatic soprano, master voice teacher, founded the non-profit Martina Arroyo Foundation to assist / support emerging opera singers

Diana Diamond (04 feb 1937 – Floral Park NY) columnist, journalist, social activist, newspaper editor

Linda Woodaman Ostrander (17 feb 1937 – New York NY) writer, composer

Joanna Russ (22 feb 1937 – 29 apr 2011 | Bronx, NY – Tucson AZ) writer, feminist, academic

Phyllis Lorberblatt Kahn (23 mar 1937 – Brooklyn NY) state politician, former biophysics professor, women / human rights activist

Cindy Nemser (26 mar 1937 – 26 jan 2021 | New York NY – Brooklyn NY) author, curator, feminist, art historian, art exhibition critic, founding member Women in the Arts, founding editor / publisher of Feminist Art Journal, author-interviewer of Art Talk conversations with women artists

Elaine Koppelman Eugster (28 mar 1937 – 11 jan 2019 | Brooklyn NY – Martha’s Vineyard MA) author, mathematician, professor of mathematics

Lucy Rowland Lippard (14 apr 1937 – New York NY) author, curator, activist, art critic, feminist art advocate, one of first to recognize ‘dematerialization’ in conceptual art

Sidra Levi Stone (15 apr 1937 – Brooklyn NY) author, psychotherapist, co-creator of Voice Dialogue

Rachel Naomi Remen (08 feb 1938 – New York NY) author, professor, integrative medicine pioneer, Commonweal Cancer Help Program founder, Institute for the Study of Health & Illness founder, The Healer’s Art medical curriculum founder / innovator

Judith Rich Harris (10 feb 1938 – 29 dec 2018 | Brooklyn NY – Middletown NJ) author, independent child psychology researcher

Judith Redein Sonnet Gordon (07 mar 1938 – 18 apr 2019 | New York NY – New York NY) artist, civic / social / political activist

Merrill Joan Gerber (15 mar 1938 – Brooklyn NY) novelist, professor, short fiction writer

Sarah B. Pomeroy (13 mar 1938 – New York NY) author, translator, ancient historian, former professor of classics, focus on women’s history in classical antiquity

Paula Wolfert (07 apr 1938 – Brooklyn NY) author, traveler, Alzheimer’s activist, Mediterranean cookbook expert / writer

Phyllis A. Katz (09 apr 1938 – Brooklyn NY) author, clinical / development psychologist, research focus on how children acquire attitudes towards race and gender

Beverly Foit-Albert (28 apr 1938 – Buffalo NY) author, architect, formed first solely women-owned Buffalo architectural firm Foit-Albert Associates [1977]

Christine Leo Roussel (20 jan 1939 – New York NY) author, curator, consultant, art historian, photographer

Jane Bryant Quinn (05 feb 1939 – Niagara Falls NY) financial author / journalist / commentator

Betty Ann Bobbitt (07 feb 1939 – 30 nov 2020 | Manhattan NY – Melbourne AUS) singer, actress, playwright, ESL [English as a Second Language] teacher

Jane Hyatt Yolen (11 feb 1939 – Manhattan NY) author of fantasy, science fiction, children’s books

Ellen S. Levine (09 mar 1939 – 26 mar 2012 | New York NY – New York NY) author, lawyer, teacher, cartoonist, film producer

Lorraine Theresa Perry Hunt (11 mar 1939 – Niagara Falls NY) entertainer, former politician, businesswoman, former Lieutenant Governor of Nevada, owner / operator / singer at Bootlegger Bistro in Las Vegas NV

Lynne Sharon Schwartz (19 mar 1939 – Brooklyn NY) poet, critic, novelist, translator, memoirist

Toni Cade Bambara (25 mar 1939 – 09 dec 1995 | Harlem NY – Philadelphia PA) author, activist, educator, documentary filmmaker, born Miltona Mirkin Cade

Elizabeth Alice [Ali] MacGraw (01 apr 1939 – Pound Ridge NY) actress, animal rights activist, autobiographical author

Sheila Nevins (06 apr 1939 – Manhattan NY) tv producer, documentary filmmaker, president of HBO Documentary Films

Louise Lasser (11 apr 1939 – New York NY) tv writer, actress, acting teacher

Ellen Weinstein Weston (19 apr 1939 – New York NY) writer, actress, producer


Linda Kaufman Kerber (23 jan 1940 – Brooklyn NY) author, educator, historian, feminist intellectual, specializes in intellectual history of women in America

Kathryn Mullen (10 feb 1940 – New York NY) actress, puppeteer, voice actress

Arlene [Hannah] Butter Wilke (07 mar 1940 – 28 jan 1993 | New York NY – New York NY) painter, sculptor,  photographer,  video artist, performance artist

Chana Bloch (15 mar 1940 – 19 may 2017 | Bronx NY – Berkeley CA) poet, scholar, professor, translator

Susan Fromberg Schaeffer (25 mar 1940 – 26 aug 2011 | Brooklyn NY – Chicago IL) poet, novelist, memoirist, book reviewer

Marian Zazeela (15 apr 1940 – Bronx NY) painter, designer, musician, light-artist

Patricia Joy Numann (06 apr 1941 – New York NY) endocrine surgeon, professor emerita, founder of Association of Women Surgeons, past president American College of Surgeons

Joan Chandos Baez (09 jan 1941 – Staten Island NY) musician, folk singer-songwriter, autobiographical author, civil / LGBT / political / children’s / human rights / environmental activist, co-founded Institute for Study of Nonviolence (later Resource Center for Nonviolence), US section of Amnesty International co-founder / supporter

Kathleen Barry (22 jan 1941 – Syracuse NY) author, feminist, essayist, professor, sociologist, sex-trafficking expert, co-founded United Nations NGO Coalition Against Trafficking in Women [CATW]

Blanche Wiesen Cook (20 apr 1941 – New York NY) biographer, Distinguished Professor of History, authored controversial biography of Eleanor Roosevelt

Linda Mary Montano (18 jan 1942 – Saugerties NY) sculptor, performance artist

Jennifer Dunning (04 feb 1942 – New York US) nonfiction author, NYTimes dance / ballet critic

Carole King (09 feb 1942 – New York NY) memoirist, singer-songwriter

Margaret Ann [Peggy] Adler (10 feb 1942 – New York NY) community activist, investigative researcher, children’s book author / illustrator

Patricia Field (12 feb 1942 – New York NY) stylist, costume designer, fashion designer, LGBT / social activist and philanthropist

Coreen Simpson (18 feb 1942 – New York NY) photographer, jewelry designer

Laurie Toby Edison (05 mar 1942 – New York NY) portrait photographer, art / queer / feminist / fat acceptance activist

Jacqueline Lichtenberg (25 mar 1942 – Flushing NY) science fiction author, novelist, short story writer

Erica Mann Jong (26 mar 1942 – New York NY) poet, teacher, second-wave feminist, fiction / nonfiction writer

Joanne Dobson (27 mar 1942 – New York NY) professor, mystery novelist, historical fiction author, founding editor of Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers

Elizabeth Levy (04 apr 1942 – Buffalo NY) serial children’s / young-adult mystery novelist

Donna Hennyey (10 apr 1942 – New York NY) nutritionist, nutrition instructor, former fencer, American-born Canadian

Joni Evans (20 apr 1942 – Larchmont NY) book publisher, CEO / founding member wowOwow.com women’s website

Barbra Joan Streisand (24 apr 1942 – Brooklyn NY) writer, director, film producer, singer-songwriter

Elaine Farrell Pascal Wynn (28 apr 1942 – New York NY) art collector, philanthropist, businesswoman, advocate of education / visual and performing arts

Doris Kearns Goodwin (04 jan 1943 – Brooklyn NY) historian, biographer, political commentator, Pulitzer Prize winner

Alison Gordon (19 jan 1943 – 12 feb 2015 | New York NY – Toronto, Ontario) author, novelist, memoirist, sports journalist, one of first female reporters to cover sports

Rosemary Wells (29 jan 1943 – New York NY) children’s book author / illustrator

Susan Ellen Tanenbaum Stern (31 jan 1943 – 31 jul 1975 | Brooklyn NY – Seattle NY) memoirist, radical political activist, SDS / Weatherman member, one of Seattle Seven group of radicals

Jada Rowland (23 feb 1943 – Staten Island NY) artist, writer, actress, illustrator

Mary Louise St. John (13 mar 1943 – 14 sep 2003 | Glens Falls NY – Erie PA) tutor, Benedictine nun, cytotechnologist, disability rights activist, gay / lesbian retreat guide / spiritual companion

Alice Artzt (16 mar 1943 – New York NY) concert guitarist, music essayist

Ursula Wiltshire Goodenough (16 mar 1943 – New York NY) author, speaker, biologist, Religious Naturalism innovator, president of Religious Naturalist Association

Carmen Guillén Fariña (05 apr 1943 – Brooklyn NY) author, educator, administrator, former NYC Deputy Schools Chancellor for Teaching and Learning

Louise Elisabeth Gluck (22 apr 1943 – New York NY) poet, Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress

Stephanie Rose (23 apr 1943 – New York NY) art professor, dramatic non-narrative abstract painter, Visiting Artist / Lecturer / Guest Critic at various universities

Amanda Jay Mortimer Burden (18 jan 1944 – New York NY) consultant, urban planner

Nancy Julia Chodorow (20 jan 1944 – New York NY) author, feminist, sociologist, psychoanalyst, retired professor, psychoanalytic feminist theorist / leader / specialist

Nancy Cassis (26 jan 1944 – Long Island NY) teacher, psychologist, former Michigan State politician

Ursula Oppens (02 feb 1944 – New York NY) classical concert pianist, Distinguished Professor of Music

Nancy Sarah Kurshan (04 feb 1944 – Brooklyn NY) author, peace / civil rights / political prisoner activist, founded Youth International Party [members known as Yippies], member of Weather Underground

Ellen Deanna Friedman Prince (29 feb 1944 – 24 oct 2010 | Brooklyn NY – Philadelphia PA) author, linguist, professor emerita, professor of Linguistic Sosity of America, focus in fields of discourse / pragmatics / information structure

Patricia Gabbey Gensel (18 mar 1944 – Buffalo NY) author, botanist, researcher, paleobotanist

Olivia Lucia Carrescia (29 mar 1944 – Brooklyn NY) independent documentary filmmaker

Julia Miller Phillips (07 apr 1944 – 01 jan 2002 | New York NY – West Hollywood CA) author, memoirist, film producer

Cathlyn Platt Wilkerson (14 jan 1945 – Brooklyn NY) author, memoirist, indicted / jailed / released as bombmaker, civil rights / women’s rights activist, former member of radical Weather Underground Organization

Susan Rothemberg (20 jan 1945 – 18 may 2020 | Buffalo NY – Galisteo NM) painter, visual artist, sketch artist

Carly Simon (22 jan 1945 – Bronx NY) singer, songwriter, children’s book author

Sylvana Foa (31 jan 1945 – Buffalo NY) news director, broadcast journalist, correspondent, first female foreign editor of major international news organization, first female news director US tv network, first female Spokesperson for UN Secretary General

Zina Bethune (17 feb 1945 – 12 feb 2012 | New York NY – Los Angeles CA) actress, dancer, choreographer, dance school founder, disability dance activist

Valerie Curtin (31 mar 1945 – New York NY) actress, screenwriter

Doon Arbus (03 apr 1945 – New York NY) editor, writer, journalist

Carola Dibbell (04 apr 1945 – New York NY) author, journalist, short fiction writer, film / music reviewer, focus also on children’s media, science-fiction novelist

Judy Jarvis (06 apr 1945 – 07 mar 2000 | Bronx NY – Bloomfield MO) broadcast journalist, pioneering talk show host

Benita Schulman Katzenellenbogen (11 apr 1945 – New York NY) author, professor of physiology and cell biology, focus on effectiveness of breast cancer endocrine treatment

Ellen Gittelsohn (12 apr 1945 – New York NY) aka Ellen Falcon, television director

Susan L. Taylor (23 jan 1946 – Harlem NY) editor, author, journalist, former editor-in-chief of Essence magazine

Lois Walden (08 feb 1946 – New York NY) actress, author, singer, record producer, performer, teaching artist

Kitty Stephen Hawks (11 feb 1946 – New York NY) interior designer

Patricia Monaghan (15 feb 1946 – 11 nov 2012 | Brooklyn NY – Black Earth MN) poet, author, women’s spirituality movement leader, founded The Black Earth Institute, co-developed the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology

Ysaye Maria Barnwell (28 feb 1946 – New York NY) composer, speech pathologist, former female bass singer with Sweet Honey in the Rock, composes for dance / choral / film / stage, founded Jubilee Singers at All Souls Unitarian Church in DC

Naomi Foner Gyllenhaal (15 mar 1946 – New York NY) screenwriter, film director

Catherine [Katy] D. Garmany (06 mar 1946 – New York NY) author, astronomer, astronomical educator, massive stars evolution and formation research specialist

Christine Weidinger (31 mar 1946 – Springville NY) operatic soprano, former resident artist, founding head teacher of Triangle Opera Studios

Barbara Benary (07 apr 1946 – 17 mar 2019 | Bay Shore NY – Stony Point NY) composer, ethnomusicologist, Indian / Indonesian music specialist, shadow puppet opera writer-producer

Dawn Leslie Steel (15 apr 1946 – 20 dec 1997 | Bronx NY – Los Angeles CA) film producer, autobiographer

Cassandra Danz (01 jan 1947 – 25 may 2002 | Brooklyn NY – Brooklyn NY) author, horticulturist, tv personality, aka Mrs. Greenthumbs

Claudia Weill (01 jan 1947 – New York NY) film director

Linda Joyce Greenhouse (09 jan 1947 – New York NY) journalist, Pulitzer Prize winning reporter, Distinguished Journalist in Residence

Ellen Benjamin Thomas (24 jan 1947 – Brooklyn NY) peace activist, anti-nuclear advocate, tax resister by living below income tax threshold, Proposition One Non-Radioactive Nuclear Review multimedia traveling troupe leader

Rona Elliot (22 feb 1947 – Brooklyn NY) tv / radio / print music journalist

Karla Jayne Jay (22 feb 1947 – Brooklyn NY) editor, author, LGBT studies pioneer, Distinguished Professor Emerita, former director of women’s and gender studies

Tamara de Braga Taxman (24 feb 1947 – Woodstock NY) writer, actress, television presenter, Brazilian-American

Penny Pullen (02 mar 1947 – Buffalo NY) activist, retired politician, reporter / proof reader / editorial assistant / production technician

Susan Miller (07 mar 1947 – Manhattan NY) author, astrologer

Carole Bayer Sager (08 mar 1947 – New York NY) lyricist, painter, singer-songwriter

Judith Plaskow (14 mar 1947 – Brooklyn NY) author, scholar, professor of religious studies, specialist in feminist theology, focus on contemporary religious thought, past president of American Academy of Religion, co-founder / co-editor of The Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion

Deborah Esther Lipstadt (18 mar 1947 – New York NY) author, historian, free speech advocate, US Holocaust Memorial Museum consultant, professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies

Ellen Langer (25 mar 1947 – Bronx NY) author, psychology professor / researcher

Francine Prose (01 apr 1947 – Brooklyn NY) critic, author, novelist, essayist, short fiction writer, visiting professor of literature, former president of PEN American Center

Karen Lehman [Kathy] Acker (18 apr 1947 – 30 nov 1997 | New York NY – Tijuana, Mexico) writer, essayist, punk poet, playwright, sex-positive feminist, performance artist, experimental novelist

Jackie Winnow (28 apr 1947 – 07 sep 1991 | New York NY – Oakland CA) author, feminist, activist, born Jacqueline Weinstein, first coordinator of San Francisco Lesbian/Gay & AIDS Unit, founded Women’s Cancer Resource Center

Geralyn Wolf (30 apr 1947 – Brooklyn NY) essayist, memoirist, anthem writer, wood carver, twelfth diocesan bishop of Diocese of Rhode Island’s Episcopal Church

Judith Miller (02 jan 1948 – New York NY) memoirist, journalist, nonfiction author, conservative, commentator, member Council on Foreign Relations

Ruth Reichl (16 jan 1948 – New York NY) chef, novelist, memoirist, food writer, cookbook author, culinary editor, last editor-in-chief of Gourmet magazine

Nancy Anne Koningisor Kress (20 jan 1948 – Buffalo NY) columnist, short story sci-fi writer

Ina Rosenberg Garten (02 feb 1948 – Brooklyn NY) cookbook author, self-taught foodist, tv personality

Suzanne Bennett Johnson (08 feb 1948 – Johnson City NY) author, psychologist

Susan Beth Pfeffer (17 feb 1948 – New York NY) young adult science fiction novelist

Elizabeth Ann Sackler (19 feb 1948 – New York NY)  arts activist, public historian, founded Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art at Brooklyn Museum, first female Chair of Brooklyn Museum Board of Trustees

Eva J. Pell (11 mar 1948 – New York NY) author, biologist, plant pathologist, science administrator, former Under Secretary for Science at the Smithsonian Institution

Jessica B. Harris (18 mar 1948 – Queens NY) memoirist, journalist, professor, cookbook author, culinary historian

Pamela Sargent (20 mar 1948 – Ithaca NY) editor, feminist, science fiction author

Fern Mallis (26 mar 1948 – Brooklyn NY) jewelry designer, fashion consultant, former director of Council of Fashion Designers American [CFDA], AIDS / homeless activist

Rhea Jo Perlman (31 mar 1948 – Coney Island NY) actress, illustrated children’s book author

Berinthis [Berry] Berenson Perkins (14 apr 1948 – 11 sep 2001 | New York NY – New York NY) model, actress, photographer, died on 9/11 on American Airlines Flight 11

Grethe Barrett Holby (26 apr 1948 – New Rochelle NY) producer, stage director, dramaturge, choreographer, founded Ardea Arts, Family Opera Initiative & American Opera Projects

Margaret Lazarus (22 jan 1949 – New York NY) author, professor, documentary film director / producer, co-founded non-profit Cambridge Documentary Films

Sharon Gold (28 feb 1949 – New York NY) artist, painter, feminist, professor

Anne Isaacs (02 mar 1949 – Buffalo NY) former environmental educator, children’s / young adult novelist

Mary Rubin Schepisi (06 mar 1949 – New York NY) artist, painter, needleworker, fiber / mixed media artist, arts fundraiser / philanthropist, Australian winery co-owner

Judith Helen Dobrzynski (08 mar 1949 – Rochester NY) blogger, journalist, freelance writer, journalism instructor

Julia Migenes-Johnson (13 mar 1949 – New York NY) operatic soprano / mezzo-soprano

Lynn Collins Emanuel (14 mar 1949 – Mt Kisco NY) poet, professor

Jessica Margot Weber (18 mar 1949 – New York NY) art director, social activist, graphic designer, adjunct professor of design, president / CEO Jessica Weber Design

Agnes Barr Bushell (25 mar 1949 – Queens NY) teacher, novelist, essayist, book reviewer

Nancy Fuller Ginsburg (27 mar 1949 – Claverack NY) chef, Ginsberg’s Foods co-owner, dairy farm owner, Food Network tv host, cooking competition judge

Irene Maxine Pepperberg (01 apr 1949 – Brooklyn NY) author, professor, researcher, animal cognition specialist, parrot / wildlife conservationist, Alex Foundation founder / president

Lois Greenfield (18 apr 1949 – New York NY) photographer, photojournalist


Mary [Jane] O’Meara Sanders (03 jan 1950 – New York NY) social worker, youth activist, political staffer, college administrator, political family member

Gloria Naylor (25 jan 1950 – 28 sep 2016 | New York NY – Christiansted USVI) African-American novelist, educator

Ronnie Lichtman (10 feb 1950 – Brooklyn NY) author, speaker, midwife, childbirth educator,  women’s health advocate, women’s magazine co-founder, SUNY Midwifery Education Program Chair

Jill J. Meyers (13 feb 1950 – New York NY) attorney, Women’s World Grand Master contract bridge player, music consultant for film / TV / advertising

Rebecca Newberger Goldstein (23 feb 1950 – White Plains NY) author, novelist, philosopher, public intellectual, short fiction writer

Elizabeth Streb (23 feb 1950 – Rochester NY) dancer, choreographer, founded STREB Lab for Action Mechanics

Froma Harrop (18 mar 1950 – New York NY) author, editor, reporter, columnist, commentator, past president of Association of Opinion Journalists

Julia Alvarez (27 mar 1950 – New York NY) poet, novelist, essayist

Rebecca Trachtenberg Alpert (12 apr 1950 – Brooklyn NY) rabbi, editor, author, social activist, professor of Jewish American religious history

Lynda Rosen Obst (14 apr 1950 – New York NY) editor, scriptwriter, film producer

Lani Guinier (19 apr 1950 – New York NY) author, attorney, scholar, civil rights theorist

Elizabeth Swados (05 feb 1951 – 05 jan 2016 | Buffalo NY – Manhattan NY) writer, composer, musician, theatre director

Penelope Allison [Penny] Peyser (09 feb 1951 – Irvington NY) writer, actress, filmmaker

Roxanne Renckens Pulitzer (10 feb 1951 – Cassadaga NY) actress, novelist, memoirist

Eileen Welsome (12 mar 1951 – New York NY) reporter, journalist, non-fiction author, Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting laureate

Amy Vedder (24 mar 1951 – Palatine Bridge NY) author, ecologist, primatologist

Marta Moreno Vega (03 jan 1952 – East Harlem NY) author, arts activist, founded CCCADI (Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute), founding member of Association for Hispanic Arts, founded Network of Centers of Color and the Roundtable Institution of Colors

Michele Faith Wallace (04 jan 1952 – Harlem NY) black feminist, author, essayist, cultural critic

Susan Bee (14 jan 1952 – New York NY) painter, book artist, arts editor / co-editor

Miriam [Mimi] Leder (26 jan 1952 – New York NY) film director / producer / script supervisor

Fay Chiang (27 jan 1952 – 20 oct 2017 | Bronx NY – Bronx NY) poet, painter, Chinese-American cultural activist and non-profit leader

Lisa Eichhorn (04 feb 1952 – Glens Falls NY) writer, actress, producer

Dana Beyer (09 feb 1952 – New York NY) physician, transgender woman, transgender rights advocate, executive director of Gender rights of Maryland

Irene Dische (13 feb 1952 – New York NY) author, journalist

Karen Paula O’Connor (15 feb 1952 – Buffalo NY) author, editor, essayist, political science professor, founder / director emerita of Women & Politics Institute, editorial board member of Journal of Women, Politics & Policy

Janet Michelle [Jan] Kerouac (16 feb 1952 – 05 jun 1996 | Albany NY – Albuquerque NM) author, autobiographical novelist

Virginia Maksymowicz (19 feb 1952 – Brooklyn NY) educator, feminist, cultural / conceptual / community artist, multi-media sculptural installation artist

Sara Moulton (19 feb 1952 – New York NY) chef, cookbook author, tv personality

Abby Joseph Cohen (29 feb 1952 – Queens NY) economist, financial analyst on Wall Street, former board chair for Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Outreach Institute / US Holocaust Memorial Museum supporter

Susan Zirinsky (03 mar 1952 – New York NY) journalist, television news producer, 48 Hours television news program executive producer

Paula Francis (12 mar 1952 – Queens NY) former tv news anchor, broadcast journalist, community activist, humanitarian

Alice Hoffman (16 mar 1952 – New York NY) novelist, children’s / young-adult writer

Sallie Louise Baliunas (23 feb 1953 – New York NY) author, retired astrophysicist, former deputy director of Mount Wilson Observatory

Carolyn Porco (06 mar 1953 – Bronx NY) speaker, author, consultant, commentator, planetary / imaging scientist, focus on outer solar system

Shellen Lubin (04 apr 1953 – Valley Stream NY) writer, director, performer, music / theatre teacher

Barbara Keiler (07 apr 1953 – New York NY) romance / crime fiction novelist, pen names: Ariel Berk, Judith Arnold, Thea Frederick

Pamela Redmond Satran (10 apr 1953 – New York NY) entrepreneur, fiction and nonfiction author

Kim Althea Gordon (28 apr 1953 – Rochester NY) artist, curator, vocalist, musician, record producer, video director, fashion designer

Jan Eliasberg (06 jan 1954 – New York NY) tv / film / theatre writer and director

Victoria Valentine (18 jan 1954 – Westchester NY) poet, author, entrepreneur, indie book publisher

Wendy M. Grossman (26 jan 1954 – New York NY) author, blogger, essayist, journalist, folk singer, founder / editor UK magazine The Skeptic

Susan Kare (05 feb 1954 – Ithaca NY) author, graphic designer, contemporary icon / typeface innovator, pioneer in pixel art, former Creative Director at Apple, one of first / original employees at NeXT

Phyllis Curott (08 feb 1954 – Lynbrook NY) aka Aradia, Wiccan author, attorney, priestess, memoirist

Jo Duffy (09 feb 1954 – New York NY) comic book editor / writer

Mary Douglas Glasspool (23 feb 1954 – Staten Island NY) suffragan bishop, first open lesbian bishop in Anglican Communion

JoAnn Falletta (27 feb 1954 – Brooklyn NY) classical musician, orchestral conductor

Donna Meistrich (28 feb 1954 – Brooklyn NY) artist, painter, sculptor, animator, wax carver, model maker, jewelry designer

Jill Ellen Abramson (19 mar 1954 – New York NY) author, journalist, political columnist, former and first female New York Times executive editor

Donna Pescow (24 mar 1954 – Brooklyn NY) film / television actress, director

Julie Carmen (04 apr 1954 – New York NY) dancer, actress, licensed psychotherapist

Amy Arbus (16 apr 1954 – New York NY) author, teacher, publisher, photographer

Ellen Rona Barkin (16 apr 1954 – Bronx NY) actress, film producer

Naamah Kelman-Ezrachi (25 jan 1955 – New York NY) author, American-born Rabbi, Dean of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, first woman in Israel ordained as rabbi

Janice Doreen Dickinson (16 feb 1955 – Brooklyn NY) author, model, memoirist, talent scout, photographer

Michelle Herman (09 mar 1955 – Brooklyn NY) novelist, essayist, short fiction writer, English professor

Erica Hunt (12 mar 1955 – Manhattan NY) poet, essayist, professor, organizer, memoirist, Language poet, non-fiction author, literary critic, political activist

Dinah Beth Manoff (25 jan 1956 – New York NY) television director, film / stage / television actress

Valerie Smith (19 feb 1956 – Brooklyn NY) academic, administrator, 15th President of Swarthmore College, scholar of African-American culture / literature

Leslie Urdang (20 feb 1956 – Queens NY) film producer, theater executive

Dana Welles Delany (13 mar 1956 – New York NY) tv-film-stage actress, producer, presenter, health activist

Janet Elizabeth Aalfs (14 aug 1956 – Elmira NY) poet, martial artist, community educator, founder / director Lotus Peace Arts, former Poet Laureate of Northampton MA [2003-05]

Elizabeth Perle (13 apr 1956 – 16 aug 2015 | New York NY – San Francisco CA) author, editor, book publisher

Kathleen Dee-Anne [Koo]  Stark (26 apr 1956 – New York NY) actress, Buddhist, photographer, breast cancer activist

Elisabeth Rosenthal (29 apr 1956 – New York NY) science reporter, non-practicing medical doctor, former NY Times Beijing correspondent, NY Times health / environmental reporter

Nina Simons (10 jan 1957 – Manhattan NY) Bioneers co-CEO / co-founder, environmental / entrepreunerial activist, Cultivating Women’s Leadership intensive co-creator, gender balance / women’s leadership consultant

Celia S. Friedman (12 jan 1957 – New York NY) author, educator, former costume designer, speculative fiction novelist and short fiction writer

Suzan Denise Johnson Cook (28 jan 1957 – New York NY) author, pastor, activist, academic, theologian, US presidential advisor, first female senior pastor of American Baptist Churches USA, Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom, first / former / only official female chaplain of New York Police Department

Elizabeth Hand (29 mar 1957 – Yonkers NY) fantasy / science fiction author, short story writer

Barbara Ernst Prey (17 apr 1957 – New York NY) watercolor landscape artist

Lisa Seidman (27 apr 1957 – Massapequa NY) tv screenwriter

Catherine Butterfield (05 feb 1958 – Manhattan NY) playwright, TV / film writer

Natalie Angier (16 feb 1958 – Bronx NY) atheist, nonfiction author, science journalist for New York Times, awarded Pulitzer Prize for Beat Reporting [1991]

Deanna Sirlin (07 mar 1958 – Brooklyn NY) large-scale digital transparent installation artist

Laurie Ellen Lennard David (22 mar 1958 – Long Island NY) author, cookbook writer, environmental activist, documentary filmmaker, former television producer

Judith Matloff (25 mar 1958 – New York NY) author, journalist, professor, media safety advocate, two-time Fulbright Scholar, contributing editor Columbia Journalism Review

Amy Beth Pascal (25 mar 1958 – Los Angeles CA) philanthropist, film producer, Jewish / human rights activist, Pascal Pictures production company founder

Susan Molinari (27 mar 1958 – New York NY) politician, lobbyist, journalist, vice-president of Google Public Policy

Anne P. Mitchell (03 apr 1958 – New York NY) author, speaker, attorney, professor of law, social / internet activist, founding CEO of Institute for Social Internet Public Policy

Aprile Millo (14 apr 1958 – New York NY) operatic spinto soprano

Pamela Katz (16 apr 1958 – Rhinebeck NY) novelist, director, screenwriter

Carole Montgomery (19 apr 1958 – Brooklyn NY) writer, actress, director, standup comedian, US Armed Forces entertainer, former co-producer of NY Underground Comedy Festival, aka US troops’ National Mom

Rosanna Scotto (28 apr 1958 – Brooklyn NY) newscaster, broadcast journalist, television news anchor

Ellen Weiss (30 jan 1959 – Westchester NY) author, journalist, former NPR executive producer, past executive editor for Center for Public Integrity

Mary Jacobus (11 feb 1959 – 20 feb 2009 | Buffalo NY – Tampa FL) journalist, newspaper executive, mother of triplets

Tonya K. Bolden (01 mar 1959 – New York NY) fiction / nonfiction author, known for children’s nonfiction literature, focus on black experience of history

Yvonne Mercedes Bernard (06 mar 1959 – Tarrytown NY) film / television / commercial producer, one of first US women to own 100% of production company

Jo Emily Handelsman (19 mar 1959 – New York NY) author, director of Wisconsin Institute of Discovery, editor-in-chief DNA and Cell Biology academic journal, former Associate Director for Science at US Office of Science and Technology Policy

Laura Day (22 mar 1959 – New York NY) self-help author, intuitionist, financial advisor

Martha Hollander (24 mar 1959 – New York NY) poet, author, art historian

Elinor Teresa [Nell] Newman (08 apr 1959 – New York NY) actress, aka Nell Potts, biologist, philanthropist, entrepreneur, environmentalist

Lori Perkins (08 apr 1959 – White Plains NY) author, editor, feminist, book publisher, literary agent, president of L. Perkins Agency, partner at RomanceBeat.com, founded Riverdale Avenue e-book publishing company

Susan Charlotte Faludi (18 apr 1959 – Queens NY) author, feminist, journalist, Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Journalism

Peggy Phelan (23 apr 1959 – New York NY) author, feminist scholar, focus on performance as a live event, founding member of Performance Studies International

Yvonne Darlene Cagle (24 apr 1959 – West Point NY) physician, visiting professor, retired US Air Force colonel, NASA management astronaut, interdisciplinary researcher in health / environment / human performance