Today I have practiced the yogas of wise shopping and good car care.
Suzuki got a quart of oil, coolant (good to -20F), and her first full tank of gas. Shiny pearl-blue fender sits in the back, waiting to be affixed to the front left of the all-white car. Baby blue will be winking at everyone we pass or approach.
As for the yoga of shopping discernment, we gleaned these gems from ourĀ practice: two wooden knitting needles, one extra-padded purple yoga mat, three colorful dresses, and four soft tops of marled purple, deep magenta, garnet rose, and bright coral — all (all!) for six bucks. There’s no other way to shop local.
Oh, also found some of the most beautiful locally-grown kale I have ever seen, one huge golden tomato, and the cutest little summer squash. All this produce — and two loaves of whole grain bread — courtesy of Fresh Friday at our local food shelf, conveniently located next door to the Thrift Shop.